President Obama is Not on Anti-Depression Drugs As One Blogger Reported
Some psychologists spend lots of time and effort researching the psychology of the man in charge.
There are numerous research papers you can find and even popular books.
Perhaps you will recall the one about President Bush on the couch.
Now, then it appears that the folks are already working to figure out this current President.
Yes, our political adversaries and the rogue nations that wish to second guess his future moves, but also US citizens and even Bloggers who consider themselves more to the right of the political spectrum.
One blogger recently stated that he believed President Obama was on anti-depression drugs.
Well, with regards to President Obama there are several issues that could be construed to make this probable.
One, he refused to release his medical records - Why? He's young, active, there is no reason not to.
Two, I read a book; "Living on Anti-Depression Drugs" and was blown away by the statistics.
At the time of his second edition printing 17% of the population was on Prozac, Ritalin, Lithium, etc.
Three, I have involved myself in politics (local) and political rhetoric debate and noticed his behavior in the debates "a-typical" on two different occasions, including facial expressions while under personal character attacks.
This behavior reminded me of employees, competitors and franchisees I've had in my business that I knew were prescribed such things.
His behavior was not one of extreme fatigue, so that wasn't it.
I am a people watcher, studier of humans by hobby.
Actually, if he is taking anti-depressants, maybe he could have gotten the "Depressed Vote" I mean it's huge, I bet at this point? And I have competed in business with Depression Drug taking competitors; they seem to be extremely even keeled to the point of "no read" like many Asian cultures.
As a long-distance runner, I've been even keeled myself, but there would still be facial expressions from personal character attacks.
Even a poker player will react to personal character attacks, while being perfectly skilled to deny their opponents micro-expression clues as to the cards they are holding.
Does that make sense?