What is a True Master?
"Yeah" another philosophy hippy mind and body guy, NO WRONG.
I actually hate them people, mostly because they talk about feelings as if they have truly felt it or have been touched, "Ha".
How can you talk about war if you never been in one or seen it close up?How can you talk about raising kids if you don't have your own?NO, I am a Martial Artist.
I have been studying Kenpo and Chin-na' for 24 years, but it is not my rank for why I write this, it is due to an epiphany I had years ago and have been teaching ever since.
Others have had it and hopefully you will realize it to and take that step to becoming a true Master.
In the United States to be called a Master in most styles you have to achieve the rank of 5th degree Black Belt or in other styles an 8th degree.
In other countries they might not approve the promotion to master until 10th or 12th degree.
Some people just call themselves a Master with no regard to rank.
Why? What's a degree? When you're on the street does your attacker care if you're a 1st or an 8th, NO I don't think so.
I don't even think they stop to ask.
A True Master is one that can react to an aggressor in the most moral and effective way possible in any given situation.
They have complete control of the situation before it even becomes a situation.
You will never know if you are a true master unless you have been tested in the real world.
You will never know if your instinctive ability to react properly in defending yourself will be effective enough.
I know every situation is different and therefore every outcome could be different, but you will never know until it happens.
A true Master doesn't have to fight his way through life, he can walk silently then explode if needed.
I have worked in Bars - Night clubs and hung out with the wrong crowd longer than I needed to and during that time I realized what works and what is for show.
Most importantly I realized that when I had to fight, I reacted with out thought, with precision strikes and moved fluently like it was written in a book some where.
It actually amazed me at first.
I was happy but scared at the same time.
As time went on the more encounters I had the more fluent and predictable the situation became until I realized what would happen before it happened.
Around that same time in my life I was watching a show with Bruce Lee on it, where some one asked him about his skill and experience (mastery).
His response was that he is like water.
He can take on any form that he is put in to a jar, a pitcher, a cup and in the end he is still the same.
At first I didn't get it but then it hit me.
He meant he could adapt to any situation perfectly, like water poring over rocks he will find the most effective way to achieve his out come.
That is a True Master.
One, who through true life experiences can say with their heart, that their mind is with out doubt when reacting in any given situation and that their body can fluently move effectively striking or controlling any aggressor in any situation.
A master doesn't stand behind his belt but wears it with pride knowing the power of confidence that his mind and body emulate.
Like an awaking of sorts a new glow becomes a master that truly understands what they can do and offer to the world.
A feeling of great completion and personal peace is invoked by the understanding of your ability as a master.
To quote what Bruce Lee said when he was asked: What does it feel like to be you?He said, "I have this great creative and spiritual force within me.
Greater than truth, greater than ambition, greater than confidence, greater than determination, more than vision.
It is all these combined and there is no feeling on which these experiences can be compared.
" Yeah its like that.
That is my belief of what a True Master is.
Thank You