Acquiring Body Endurance Through Surfing
Upper body strength itself will not be enough.
You will need to develop some other areas of fitness to be successful and improve your surfing technique.
You will need to build your stamina to a strong level of endurance for surfing.
If you plan on spending any significant time on the board, stamina will be necessary.
As a beginner or an experienced surfer, you can improve your stamina by utilizing particular exercises.
Attend aerobics or martial arts classes for a challenging way to gain endurance.
Exercises like running, lap swimming, biking, or working with aerobic machines will build incredible endurance and you will experience positive results quickly.
Practice for twenty minutes at a time, keeping a steady pace and improvement is assured.
Push-ups, pull-ups, butterflies, and bench presses are perfect exercises for building upper body strength.
Any strength training which focuses on the chest and back as well as the shoulders will build surfing power.
Don´t forget to train the arms as well because they will need stamina and strength for surfing.
To improve both strength and stamina in the arms, shoulders, and the legs, rowing is a practical exercise of choice.
It will help you improve endurance and strengthen key areas of the body needed in surfing.
Rowing prepares you for all the paddling you will be doing too.
Learn exercises with a Balance Ball at your local gym to focus on and enhance your overall balance.
Do squats and lunges with proper form as well to strengthen the lower body.
This lower body strength coupled with balance gives you a surfing advantage.
Yoga is something you must consider.
Many men may feel like it is not for them, but simply give yourself a good week of yoga classes and you will see that it is not for the faint of heart.
Yoga supports and develops both balance and strength.
When you reach the level of holding standing yoga postures for over one minute, you have established a strong foundation in balance.
While you are surfing smoothly along the waves, your stance must be strong and balanced.
Yoga prepares you for such a powerful stance like no other exercise can.