Millionaire Dating Tips: Your After Dinner Plans and Why You Should Leave the Plates for Later
Gasp! Yes, there is! Here are two tips to help you with the after-dinner situations: 1.
Don't let your date end when the last of the meal has vanished.
Always have an after-dinner plan.
Don't let your date die out after the last crumbs are cleaned off the plate.
But don't just do something totally normal, like putting the lights back on, then watching television with cookies or chocolate.
Leave the plates, and do something else.
If you want to talk to each other more, then open that bottle of wine, then sit back on the veranda or patio and talk.
And oh, a bit of snuggling would also work.
If you know their favorite movie of all time, then make sure that you have it rented before the date so that it's ready to be played once your dinner is over.
It would help if you have watched it or at least read up something about it, so you can contribute to conversation if ever they want to.
Discuss the merits of the movie too.
Use this time to get to know each other more.
Observe what parts of the movie they seemed to like.
Another good after-dinner plan is to take a leisurely stroll around a nearby park or around the nicer parts of the neighborhood.
Use the time to talk some more.
You can also have a bit of physical contact, say like your hand on their shoulder.
Just don't force the intimacy too much.
If this has already been your ninth date, and you have come to get to know each other better, then if part of your plan for the night is a slow seduction, then you can start with a kiss, then see how things would work out from there.
You can also tour them around your house or pad.
Leave the plates.
The plates won't grow wings and fly if you left them for later.
They can wait until the next day or at the very least, until your date has left the premises.
Never draw attention to them.
Worse, never ever rope your date into helping you wash them.
It is so not a romantic after-dinner plan to have your date buried elbow deep in soap suds.
Just no.