Different Classifications Of Business Web Designs
1.If the business is small or in its start up phase it will have a small website with less pages but conversely if the business well-established and big it will opt for a website with numerous web pages or it may own multiple websites.
2.The category and size of a website also differs according to the significance of the business. For instance, if the business is small but frequently sells a luxurious item such as diamond or gold, then such a business would have a website with numerous pages as it would be regarded as a significant and major business.
3.But on the contrary, if the business is large enough in size but is manufacturing a low-priced product such as a food product like a candy then it may evidently have a small website with fewer or only with 1 or 2 pages.
4.Websites are classified in accordance to the function they serve. Furthermore, the category of layout and features that are incorporated in the design may vary from one categorization to another.
5.The technical resources used such as the coding, software and other components are also part of the categorization.
Here are the different classifications of web designs-
1.Static web design-
This is the uncomplicated category of website design. It represents the page in plain text format, which continues to be the same right through time. Static web designs are developed with the use of HTML codes, which can be altered from time to time by accumulating or deducting precise HTML codes. In order to develop this category of website design, one must be conversant in coding.
2. Dynamic web design-
From the word itself it can be understood that, this kind of website design can be continuously altered and updated. It is developed b the use of server side scripting languages namely PHP, JSP and ASP. Dynamic site designs are exceedingly interactive and can be modified as per the information offered by the user. This form of website design is perfect for creating an e-commerce website, jobs database sites, member-only websites, and several others.
3.Flash web design-
Flash website designing can be operated successfully in developing images, logos and other website components that require animation. Sound effects placed on the site can also be developed using flash. This process of designing websites offers a livelier, more interactive and amusing design. Flash marketing banners, flash buttons, flash menus and flash photo galleries are all instances of flash web designing.