Pukka Herbs offers a natural and healthy solution to eradicate September"s head lice menace
Almost every parent will have had to face the problem at some point and agonise over how best to eradicate the menace and whether to use powerful chemicals. Head lice are particularly common among younger children who tend to play together and have close head-to-head contact. They can be caught by direct contact or by sharing combs, brushes and hats. Research suggests that the number of people with head-lice has risen over the last 30 years and that more than a third of children in the UK are likely to get head lice at some time during the year.
Treatment with insecticides has in the past been widespread, but increasingly parents are reluctant to expose their children to chemicals and head lice are starting to show resistance to conventional treatments. As a result, herbal products and diligent combing are frequently recommended as alternative treatments for head lice.
Neem oil, long used as an insect repellent, is a safe alternative, even for children with eczema or asthma. Not only do head lice dislike its smell, but it is an effective treatment for all stages of head lice development as it disrupts their feeding, breeding and metamorphosis. Neem oil is ecologically sound and, as it removes the problem of lice developing a resistance, it can also be used as a preventative measure.
Pukka Herbs' organic cold pressed Neem Seed Oil can be added to your normal shampoo and worked thoroughly through the hair. It should be left on for up to two hours, before rinsing and applying conditioner. The hair should then be combed through thoroughly with a standard 'nit' comb, and then rinsed again.
This routine should be repeated 48 hours later and it can then be used as a weekly maintenance routine until the hair is completely nit and louse free. As a preventative measure a small amount of oil can be added to shampoo a couple of times a week.
Treatment with insecticides has in the past been widespread, but increasingly parents are reluctant to expose their children to chemicals and head lice are starting to show resistance to conventional treatments. As a result, herbal products and diligent combing are frequently recommended as alternative treatments for head lice.
Neem oil, long used as an insect repellent, is a safe alternative, even for children with eczema or asthma. Not only do head lice dislike its smell, but it is an effective treatment for all stages of head lice development as it disrupts their feeding, breeding and metamorphosis. Neem oil is ecologically sound and, as it removes the problem of lice developing a resistance, it can also be used as a preventative measure.
Pukka Herbs' organic cold pressed Neem Seed Oil can be added to your normal shampoo and worked thoroughly through the hair. It should be left on for up to two hours, before rinsing and applying conditioner. The hair should then be combed through thoroughly with a standard 'nit' comb, and then rinsed again.
This routine should be repeated 48 hours later and it can then be used as a weekly maintenance routine until the hair is completely nit and louse free. As a preventative measure a small amount of oil can be added to shampoo a couple of times a week.