How to Write a Living Will - The Basics
A Living Will may also be called a health care directive.
It is a document that allows you to choose who you want to make health care decisions for you if you are incapacitated and cannot make the choices yourself.
It varies by state but this person is most often called your health care agent.
In most states, this document also allows you to make health care statements and how to write a living will depends on these laws.
Usually these health care statements are split into two categories.
Your beliefs; and Your desires for treatment or treatment withheld based on the circumstances.
Here are some common topics you can write about for beliefs.
- Goals for my health care:
- Fears about my health care:
- Spiritual or religious beliefs and traditions
- Beliefs about when life would be no longer worth living:
- Thoughts about how my medical condition might affect my family:
- If I had a reasonable chance of recovery, and were temporarily unable to decide or speak for myself, I would want:
- If I were dying and unable to decide or speak for myself, I would want:
- If I were permanently unconscious and unable to decide or speak for myself, I would want:
- If I were completely dependent on others for my care and unable to decide or speak for myself, I would want:
- In all circumstances, my doctors will try to keep me comfortable and reduce my pain.
This is how I feel about pain relief if it would affect my alertness or if it could shorten my life: - Who I would like to be my doctor:
- Where I would like to live to receive health care:
- Where I would like to die and other wishes I have about dying:
- My wishes about donating parts of my body when I die:
- My wishes about what happens to my body when I die (cremation, burial):
To make it legal, you will need to sign it either in front of witnesses, have it notarized or possibly both.
Each state has specific requirements as to whether you signature needs to be witnessed and or notarized.
Please check with your state statutes or an attorney licensed in your state for this detail.
I strongly recommend having a Living Will along with your last Will and Testament.
Both can be drafted without an attorney if you conduct a little research.