Hypnosis and Childbirth
For example, when reading a book, or a watching a movie, even driving the car.
Have you ever arrived at your destination not realising how you got there? Your brain waves have gone into relaxation.
Relaxation/hypnosis is important for giving birth.
When you are giving birth, being able to go to your place of focused relaxation instantly, would be very helpful wouldn't it.
First tip; think about what you know about childbirth, this maybe your own experience or someone else's experience.
What do you believe? We develop mindsets.
Through hypnosis you can change your own personal mind set.
Think about how you would like the birthing experience to be.
Every detail; for example; the music, where you want to give birth, babies clothes, who you want with you, and how you want to feel.
Every women births in her own unique way.
Some do this quickly without much discomfort, others take longer.
There are no hard and fast rules.
What is important is for you to give birth in your special way, in your own power.
Hypnosis, can help you visualise what you want.
Take a moment to do this now; Feel how you would like it to be, imagine yourself holding your beautiful new born baby.
Hypnosis can help you find your inner peaceful, calm place.
Just give yourself a long, slow, deep breath, letting yourself sink down and another slow deep breath, notice now how you feel.
Some of you may instantly feel that calm spot inside yourself.
If you don't feel calm give yourself a few more long, slow, deep breaths until you feel that calmness in yourself.
Relaxation is unique, some people feel light, others heavy.
Practice finding your way of feeling relaxed.
Tune into this every day.
This will help you with childbirth and every day life.
The relaxation response is a natural part of your body, however, it needs to be used like a any muscle in your body.
If we don't relax in this way we tend to be stressed and tense.
Whenever you get time to rest, put your feet up, give yourself 3 deep long slow breaths, letting any care or worry float away for now.
Say to yourself; when it is time to give birth I will birth fully in my power, in my own special unique way.
Hypnosis and child birth is about tuning into your relaxation response, clearing any past fears, visulisation, staying focused on what you want.
Birthing is an unknown, we can never be totally sure of what will happen or how it will be.
However, going into the experience with confidence, practice will very much enhance your experience.
To me hypnosis is the missing piece.
I wish I had known about hypnosis when I gave birth.