Copywriting Tips - Give Them What They Want - Not What They Need
People don't know WHAT they need.
Heck, sometimes I don't know what I need until somebody hits me over the head and points it out.
As a copywriter, you can only sell things to people that they WANT.
After you've done that, then you sneak in what they need with the product itself.
It's not rocket science.
The question is, as a copywriter, how do we do this? This article will attempt to answer that question as simply as possible, although this is far from a simple concept.
To truly understand this, you have to understand how the human mind works.
Let's take a headache for example.
What a person wants, when they have a headache, is to get rid of it.
But what they REALLY want is to get rid of it EASILY.
They don't want to have to go through all kinds of gyrations to get it done.
All they want is a pill.
Swallow the pill and the headache goes away.
So if you're writing copy for a headache cure that doesn't involve taking an aspirin, you're going to need to convince them that this cure is as EASY as swallowing that pill, otherwise they are NOT going to buy your cure.
So in your copy, you would emphasize this.
Without actually giving them the procedure, you'd point out that it takes very little time, is very easy and works instantly, or however quickly it works.
You realize that it isn't quite as easy as popping an aspirin, so you have to also point out how safe it is.
People want safe too.
So point out that there are no side effects from drugs.
People want that too.
This concept, while complex as far as understanding how the human mind works, is actually very simple once you DO understand what people want.
Then, as a copywriter, it is YOUR job to make the copy so that the prospect believes they are getting what THEY want.
Once you are able to do this, you can command five figures for any sales letter that you create.
To YOUR Success, Steven Wagenheim