DIY Aquaponics Systems-You Can Easily Build Your Own Aquaponics System
What Is a DIY Aquaponics System?
Simply put it is a full on organic food chain that is powered by the natural nutriants that a fish tank produces and a system that you can build at home with only minor DIY skills. In fact if you already have a fish tank, or you are into organic gardening then you are already halfway there. All you will need are some plastic pipes, grow beds and a little time to set it all up.
You can buy a fully built aquaponics system from a lot of stores ut they cost an absolute fortune, in fact building your own cost up to TEN times less. The companies that make these off the shelf set ups make out that there is a lot of technical know how behind it all but this is just so they can sell at whatever price they want. The truth is that with only a small amount of DIY skills you can build your own aquaponics system very quickly.
DIY aquaponics systems are not only a superb way of saving money on your grocerie bill but also provide a great talking point when you have visitors to your house. Every single person that sees your set up will be jealous and want one of their own.
So if you have been thinking about going green but did not know where to start then look no further because a diy aquaponics system is just what you need and it will give you results faster than you might have thought.
The hardest thing about the whole process is caring for your fish and even this is not hard, it is simply a case of keeping the filters clean and feeding the fish.
In a nutshell to start your own diy aquaponics system all you need is a few spare hours and a pair of hands and you will be growing the best tasting veggies in town.