"The Journey" by Brandon Bays - Book Review
She is known for her warmth and caring.
Brandon was diagnosed with a tumor the size of a basketball, She performed a remarkable, soul-searching and ultimately freeing healing journey in which she uncovered a means to get direct access to the soul.
Only six-and-one-half weeks later she was pronounced tumor free.
Brandon Bays teaches the Journey for everybody to use.
About the book The Journey is a simple, revolutionary set of techniques that has freed thousands from lifelong emotional and physical blocks, from addiction, depression and low self-esteem to chronic pain and illness.
Next to the description of the Journey that Brandon Bays has performed it gives handouts on how you yourself can perform the emotional and the physical Journey.
The Journey was born of Brandon Bays' extraordinary experience of healing from a football-sized tumor, without drugs or surgery, in 6 weeks.
Forced to go beyond the limits of known alternative therapies (she had been working in mind/body healing for two decades) she developed a remarkable, soul searching and ultimately ground-breaking healing journey.
She pioneered a remarkable healing technique that guides us directly to the root cause of a longstanding difficulty, emotional or physical, and then gives us the tools to resolve it.
The Journey offers a simple imaginative process that is a revolutionary way to actually access memories held in specific parts of the body, bringing the latest findings of energy medicine into a fast, effective technique that anyone from a child to a CEO can use.
About 'The Journey' The Journey Process developed by Brandon Bays is a deceptively simple technique that facilitates emotional and physical self-healing in the shortest possible time.
How and when to use the Journey?
- Free yourself from the old emotional baggage and stored pain that has held you back for years.
- Uncover old cell memories, clear them completely and allow healing to begin.
- Find true clarity and open into the experience of deep, lasting peace and fulfillment.
- Access your boundless potential, the innate wisdom of your being.
- Live your life as a joyous expression of the true radiance that you always knew was present deep inside.
I try to apply the emotional journey and the physical journey whenever I can.
It helped me come over (sometimes unexpected) issues that I had.
It helps to come to your most true self and helps you shine and be more successful in your personal and business life.