Conservative Or Communist? Conservatism Or Communism?
Well it wasn't founded on the principle of torture.
In fact "cruel and unusual" punishment of prisoners was specifically forbidden by our Constitution.
The Bush administration is said to have tortured one prisoner some 250 times.
But some of these "conservatives" are coming to the defense of torture, saying it was needed to get information.
So how come they didn't torture Bernie Madoff? He made off with some $50 billion of American pension fund money, etc.
Couldn't he be labeled a terrorist and tortured to get information on what he did with the other $49 billion that's still missing? Apparently Bernie isn't planning on telling where that is.
Bernie was allowed to live in his penthouse until just recently.
And I don't think it's too conservative either to outsource millions of US jobs overseas.
Why did the Bush administration export some 10,000,000 high paying US jobs to COMMUNIST China? I find it hard to imagine George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson outsourcing American jobs to Canada or somewhere.
There's nothing conservative about that.
So where did this modern "conservative" movement start? Ronald Reagan.
In the last presidential election it seemed all of he Republican Party candidates were bending over backwards to give the impression they were the most loyal disciples of Ronald Reagan.
Then I remembered an audiotape I heard years ago by movie director Myron Fagan, called "Red Stars Over Hollywood," in which Fagan repeatedly called Reagan "Ronnie the Red" Reagan.
Apparently Fagan believed the "conservative" Reagan was one of the leaders of the Communist conspiracy in Hollywood.
And wasn't it "Ronnie the Red" Reagan who in 1984 set up the network of concentration camps across the United States, which still exists today, called the "Rex 84" program?