How Do Clothes Reveal the Secrets of the Mind of a Person?
Body and Soul represent the same reality.
The physical body represents this reality in the material world while the soul represents this reality in the spiritual world.
They are the two sides of the same coin.
Scientists also say that matter and energy are different manifestation of the same reality.
They say that the mass of a matter is nothing but the energy trapped in the time and space and energy is nothing but the mass that is liberated beyond the time and space.
When a child is born, he has the pure soul and the naked body.
However, as he grows, he is forced to wear cloths on his body to cover part of the body.
In the same way the soul of the person also gets covered by the reason and beliefs of the society which gradually fills his mind.
In the civilized world, it is as difficult to see the bodies without cloths in public places as it is to find a soul without reason and belief.
A person would be called insane, if he fails to bear the appropriate cloths for the occasion.
Every civilized person knows very well how he must be dressed in private and in public and every civilized person knows what to reveal to the public.
The cloths are, therefore, closely related to the mind of the man.
We can know the mind of the person from the cloths as cloths covers the body in the same way as the mind covers the soul.
Uniforms for Uniformity Most people in a civilized society wear uniforms at some stage of their lives.
Most of us have attended our schools in uniforms.
The practice of asking the young people to wear uniform is due to the desire of the society to inculcate uniform values and develop uniform thoughts in the mind in all children.
Most children in school have, therefore, quite similar thoughts.
In colleges, the uniform is discarded in favor of the fashionable cloths as the society wants the grown-up people to fill their mind with diverse thoughts.
Thus most people develop their independent thoughts and personalities only after entering their colleges where they get freedom to wear cloths.
Most jobs do not require any uniform as the jobs need people to think independently and not uniformly.
It is based on the belief that "if two people think identically, then one of them is redundant".
No company would like to pay for a redundant employee.
Yet some jobs like army and police needs uniform as they require just obeying the orders and no independent application of mind.
Yet these uniformed people wear the dresses of their choices at their home where each person has separate thoughts while dealing with their family.
Some societies prescribe a uniform cloth for the men and women.
For example, all Muslim women are required to wear black in public veil covering their full body.
The result is that such women fail to develop independent thoughts.
The males are also often forced to grow beard or wear headgear and a uniform dress in some religion which automatically curb their independent thinking.
The people wearing traditional cloth of their society have traditional thoughts while te people wearing western cloths have western thoughts.
There are certain dresses like pant, shirt, ties etc for men that are almost common all over the world.
All such people who wear common cloths also share common thoughts and views.
To Cover or To Expose There are innumerable verities in cloths today.
Yet every society seems to approve only particular types of cloths for its people.
The cloths are designed in a way to cover part of the human body.
These cloths tell a lot about the mind of the person based on what is covered.
If one coves very little of his body, his or her intention is to cover very little of the mind.
For example as the spouses do not cover their body before each other in private, they also share their deepest thoughts in private.
People wears most comfortable cloths in the house which reveals more body than that in public as people are more openly express their mind more freely before their family members than to the common public.
People cover most part of their body when they go to office or place of work as in the office they are expected to cover their thoughts and reveal only little to their colleagues and clients on need to know basis.
It requires considerable courage to reveal one's mind in public as it requires courage to reveal one's body in public.
The Colour of Cloths The colour and design of cloths are extremely important to understand the mind of the person.
A spiritual person is least concerned about his cloths.
He never identifies himself with the cloth as his focus is soul of the person which can never be concealed in the clothing.
The real spiritual people, therefore, wears no cloth in the tradition of religions like Jainism.
Many Hindu Sadhus (Saints) do not wear cloths even in public as it can be seen during the festival of "Kumbh Mela" in India when hordes of Nude Saints take bath in the Holy Rivers.
However, all worldly people pay tremendous importance to their cloths as they mind is lot to conceal.
Yet people with a calm mind would prefer the cloths that have sober colors while the person with restless mind would prefer bright colored cloths.
The dark colors signify the quest of wisdom as a dark color absorbs most of the light and reflects only little.
A wise man also absorbs the wisdom that is revealed through the experiences of the life of self and others.
The light colours often reflect the people whose mind does not care for most of the things that happens in the world.
They reflect everything thrown on them like a mirror..
The mindset of people who prefers some particular colors are as following.
Red: The red colour symbolizes happiness and joy.
It is difficult to wear red colour when your mood is down.
The mind of the person wearing colour red is filled with joy.
Blue: The colour of blue signifies the sky and ocean which is infinite and eternal.
So the people who love blue colors have deep convictions and beliefs.
Their mind remains in peace like sky.
Black: Black is the colour of wisdom as black colour absorbs all colours.
Yet such wise people are often termed as Evil as nothing is prohibited for them.
While the world treats half the things as good and remaining half as evil, the person with black colour consider every one as equal.
Such a person is often considered as evil or rebel by society as he breaks the taboo of the society.
Green: Green is the colour of the nature which through its green colored plants and trees mysteriously and silently converts the harmful carbon-dioxide to oxygen.
Thus green is the colour of mystery and secrets.
The mind of the people wearing green cloths is quite difficult to know due to their mysterious way of thinking.
Yellow: Yellow is the colour of sun and energy.
Yellow is also the colour of the fruits when they ripen and become ready to eat.
Yellow is thus the colour of energy, love and maturity.
The mind of such a the person is ripe and matured.
His love is as unconditional as sun who only gives without expecting anything in return.
White: The white color is the most acceptable color for all occasion.
It is rarely out of place.
The person preferring white cloths have the mind that is acceptable to all.
He believes in unanimity and acceptance.
White colour thus signifies spirituality and God.
Know the Mind by Cloths While man does his best to conceal his mind, he still reveal lot of his mind by the cloths he wears.
It is by paying close attention to the cloths that a man can learn the secrets of the mind of not only the individuals but also the collective mind of the society.
Therefore, pay attention to the cloths of the people who matters to you as they reveal a secret that can change your life.