Having More Awareness about Maternity and Knowing the Due Date
With the main aim being "sperm meet egg", it is generally agreed that there are certain sexual positions which allow the sperm to be delivered closer to the top of the cervix and are therefore more successful.
The man on top, in what is called the Missionary Position, is actually one of the best positions for helping conception. In this position the depth of penetration allows the man's sperm to be deposited high up the cervix.
Other popular positions which allow deep penetration are: from behind (doggy style), on-the-edge (the woman lies on edge of the bed and her partner can then enter from a standing or kneeling position) and 'scissors' (like two pairs of scissors at right-angles).
Another important piece of advice on getting pregnant concerns the timing. Couples should have sexual intercourse just before and also during ovulation when trying to conceive.
It isn't necessary for the woman to have a orgasm in order to conceive, but it is thought that the contractions experienced during orgasm move the sperm up towards the uterus, so it could possibly help.
There's an old wives' tale that women trying to conceive should stay lying down with their legs elevated for at least 15 minutes after sex to help the semen on its way. There is no proof this works, but it's worth trying!
Once you are sure you have been successful you will be keen to work out a due date for your baby.
Many websites offer a due date calculator, or pregnancy calculator so as a mums-to-be you can get a pretty good idea of when the champagne corks will be popping.
The only information you need to put in is the date of your last period and the usual length of your menstrual cycle. Then, hey presto! – a due date is given.
But of course this is only an expected date. Your baby will arrive only when she is ready to! Fewer than 5% of women actually give birth on their calculated due date.
Unless you know for sure your date of the conception any predicted due date given by a calculator is just an estimate. Bear in mind a date based on an ultrasound can also be off by a week or more depending on the how skilled your technician is, the timing of the scan and the size of your baby.