Three Simple Steps to Ease Your Sciatica Pain
Haunted by the nightmare that your sciatic pain will come back and torture you again? What are the solutions that you can do to stop this pain from taking over your body and preventing you from living a normal life? These are three few steps that will help you take control over your pain before it transforms the simplest activities to a real burden.
When the first symptoms of this pain appear, apply ice on the irritated part of your body. In fact, the pain associated with sciatic nerve is usually due to the inflammation of the soft tissues around the nerve. The ice is a very good anti-inflammatory. Even though many think that it is preferable to use a heating pad but this is not the best idea. The heat is a favorable factor to increase the inflammation. So don't use it unless you have been icing the inflamed area for at least two days. When applying the ice, you are preventing the inflammation to become worse, and then by heating the area after 48 hours you are helping the blood circulation regaining its normal pace and relaxing the tensioned muscles.
The second thing you need to do when feeling the sciatic pain in your back is to start doing some basic stretching and aerobic exercises that will relief your pain and help your spasming muscles relax. Exercising is a very good way to get rid of the sciatic pain especially for those who suffer from Piriformis Syndrome where the contracted muscles are blocking the sciatic nerve.
The third thing you need to do is relaxation. You may find this contradictory to what I've already said about exercising but remember that you don't have to exert too much pressure on your body. Try to keep it light and simple because over exercising can be very damaging to your sciatica nerve. When inflamed, the muscles need to be rested. If not, it will make your sciatica much worse. So you have to relax your body and give your inflammation the required rest. You can also take some anti-inflammatory medicines but you have to be careful while using them because these kinds of drugs are likely to cause dependence. These NSAID's (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs) should be taken only in case of need and for short periods.
The secret of a good handling of the sciatica pain lies in the quick reaction. Once the first symptoms appear, you have to start the cure immediately. Don't expect this pain to be healed by its own because it won't. Follow these simple three secrets and your pain will be relieved before becoming worse.
When the first symptoms of this pain appear, apply ice on the irritated part of your body. In fact, the pain associated with sciatic nerve is usually due to the inflammation of the soft tissues around the nerve. The ice is a very good anti-inflammatory. Even though many think that it is preferable to use a heating pad but this is not the best idea. The heat is a favorable factor to increase the inflammation. So don't use it unless you have been icing the inflamed area for at least two days. When applying the ice, you are preventing the inflammation to become worse, and then by heating the area after 48 hours you are helping the blood circulation regaining its normal pace and relaxing the tensioned muscles.
The second thing you need to do when feeling the sciatic pain in your back is to start doing some basic stretching and aerobic exercises that will relief your pain and help your spasming muscles relax. Exercising is a very good way to get rid of the sciatic pain especially for those who suffer from Piriformis Syndrome where the contracted muscles are blocking the sciatic nerve.
The third thing you need to do is relaxation. You may find this contradictory to what I've already said about exercising but remember that you don't have to exert too much pressure on your body. Try to keep it light and simple because over exercising can be very damaging to your sciatica nerve. When inflamed, the muscles need to be rested. If not, it will make your sciatica much worse. So you have to relax your body and give your inflammation the required rest. You can also take some anti-inflammatory medicines but you have to be careful while using them because these kinds of drugs are likely to cause dependence. These NSAID's (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs) should be taken only in case of need and for short periods.
The secret of a good handling of the sciatica pain lies in the quick reaction. Once the first symptoms appear, you have to start the cure immediately. Don't expect this pain to be healed by its own because it won't. Follow these simple three secrets and your pain will be relieved before becoming worse.