Can I Compost Flowers & Nursery Plants?
- Almost all organic materials can be added to a compost pile, including garden waste such as flowers and weeds, grass clippings, hay and straw, manure, fruits and vegetables, leaves and wood chips. One note on adding weeds to your compost heap: Some weeds are durable and can take root in the pile and begin to grow, so be sure all weeds you add to your pile are dead.
You can add plenty of other materials to your compost pile, including many you might not think of: cotton rags, newspapers, tea bags, coffee filters and grounds, cardboard rolls, clean paper, eggshells and nutshells. You can even compost hair, pet and other animal fur, dryer and vacuum lint, and ashes from your fireplace. - Do not put grass clippings or yard waste that has been treated with pesticides or other chemicals on the pile, and avoid putting insect- or disease-infested plants in the mix. Any plants that have been exposed to pesticides should be discarded in the trash instead of being composted.
Bones from fish and meat can attract rodents and other animals, as can food scraps that contain dairy products, fat or grease, so throw those in the garbage. Ash from coal or charcoal and the leaves, twigs and sticks from black walnut trees can harm plants that are fertilized with compost.
Finally, although manure can be composted, don't put pet waste or feces on your compost pile because it may contain parasites, viruses, bacteria or fungi that can be transferred to plants that are grown in composted soil.