Are You A Parent?
Lately she has been saying bad words, not just bad words but actually using profanity. For 3 consecutive days she used the same phase each time she greeted her teacher at school. It seemed to have happened over night, out of no where she seemed to have picked this up. No one could figure out why she would say such bad things to her teacher.
Mom and Dad swore that they never used such language, especially within ear shot of their child,and the teacher of course did not think that she was getting it from school. Her parents sat her down and told her that she should never use profanity and why. They went on a quest to find out where she learned such things.They were sure she understood what she did was wrong and talked to her without any scolding or punishment.
Off she went to school the next day, when she greeted her teacher she said those same bad words. The teacher again called the parents to reveal that the child had done it again. She was clearly displaying defiant behavior. The child went home after school and her parents talked to her again. The child appeared not to take them seriously; in fact she thought it was rather funny, laughing during the conversation. This time punishment ensued she was not allowed to watch TV or play with her toys.
The following day the child went to school and again greeted her teacher with the same phrase, the teacher called the parents and told them that if this continued the child would be expelled from school. The parents were at their wits end, they had tried talking to the child and punishment now what. They decided that this perhaps a spanking would help. The child was spanked and told to never to say those bad words to the teacher again.
Well the following day the child entered the classroom greeting the teacher in a proper manner. This positive attitude made everyone happy.The child has not used any profanity since the spanking. Did the spanking work? Maybe, but was this the only way to handle the situation, after all the parents did not want their child expelled from school.
This could end differently for many of us who have children, what are parents to do? The shocking fact is that common parenting methods and tactics of today just don't work! Because if these methods did work, children wouldn't behave like they do. The parents were seeking advise from family and friends during this ordeal. Many of us are not aware that the people with whom we associate are raising their children in the wrong way.
We have been condition to rear our children in the manner we were reared. There are various factors that cause children to display bad behavior. However there is help for all parents and professionals who work with children. There is a revolutionary parenting guide that can change your child's behavior quickly.
The Happy Child Guide is a proven easy to use step by step program. One can apply this program with a child who has defiant oppositional behavior, ADD, ADHD, disruptive behavior, tantrums, talking back, biting, fighting and sibling rivalry. Had these parents been aware of this simple guide, they would have known effective measures to resolve the situation with their child without punishment or spanking.
Parents are you ready to end your Child's Defiant, Unruly Behavior forever visit The Happy Child Guide Now!