Where to Find Help With Paying Bills
- If you have already missed payments, then your creditors may have reported that fact to the credit bureau. Dinged credit may prevent you from getting a bank loan, especially if it is due to job loss. Your family or close friends may be able to help with paying bills. They may be impressed if you prepare a repayment plan showing how much you can repay every payday.
- Contact local houses of worship for assistance. Some may pay toward an electric or water bill to prevent shut-off while others may have enough funds to make a late mortgage or rent payment. Smaller churches may offer free food from their pantry that would enable you to use grocery money toward paying the bills.
- Visit local charities in your area for help with housing and utility payments. Veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces may contact the Veterans Assistance Foundation. The Salvation Army and Catholic Charities USA are two large organizations that help millions of people every year. Contact your local United Way to ask if it funds any charities in your area that could help with paying bills.
- The Consumer Credit Counseling Service can help you by negotiating lower payments with your creditors. They can only help you with consumer debt (credit cards) but the lower payments will give you more cash to pay toward housing and utilities.
- Apply at a bank, credit union or finance company for a consolidation loan to pay off your bills. Instead of paying many creditors every month, you would make one payment to the bank.
- Apply for a second mortgage or home equity loan if you are house rich and cash poor. Use the cash to pay off your debts. As you repay the loan, you will be rebuilding your equity.
- All states offer programs to help their citizens in time of need. The type of assistance and eligibility requirements vary by state. Your state welfare department can process your application for federal programs such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (food stamps). You may qualify for emergency assistance to prevent utility shut-off or eviction, or to help with winter heating bills.
- Your life insurance policy may have a cash value that you can tap, especially if you have had the policy for several years. Contact your insurance agent to find out if you can cash in or borrow against your policy.
- Some retirement accounts allow the individual to withdraw the funds in an emergency. There are hefty tax penalties for doing so and it may take several days before you can access the money, but it is another way of getting the cash you need to pay bills.