The Importance of Job Recruitment and Recruiter jobs
The process of recruitment involves different stages. The first stage include sourcing candidates using advertisements or some other methods. Next step is the screening of the potential candidates and it is done through interviews or tests. After that, selection of the candidate is done on the basis of the interview or tests. The process completes when on boarding of the candidate is done to ensure that he is capable of fulfilling his role effectively.
Job Recruitmentneeds are of three types. First are planned needs, second are anticipated needs and the last one are unexpected needs. Planned needs are those needs which arise due to changes in retirement policy as well as changes in organization. Anticipated needs are those movements in human resources, which can be predicted by an organization by studying the internal and external environment trends. Unexpected needs are those which arise due to accidents, deaths and illness. In all these scenarios, it becomes easy to find a suitable candidate through various online recruitment sites. Job seekers submit their resume with these sites and companies can search candidate as per their requirements. It saves a lot of time as once companies find a candidate as per their needs, they can directly contact them without spending expenses on advertisement of the vacancy. Hence, one can say that online recruitment sites are very useful source of searching qualified and capable employees.
recruiter jobs are related to finding, interviewing and testing applicants so as to locate talented and qualified employees for job openings. Recruiters are also known as placement specialists and personnel recruiters. They often visits colleges and universities for interviewing promising students for employment. Many times they select applicants through resumes that are sent by job seekers to them. Whether they select candidate by visiting colleges or do their work through company's human resources department, they assess applicants on the basis of education, salary requirements, technical skills, work history, managerial abilities and personality. Recruiters should know about their company's programs, management structure, advancement policies and needs of the company.
Human resources or other managerial departments of a company provide an opportunity to the recruiters to advance to higher levels. This will depend on their experience, performance and skills. In the field of human resources the advance jobs include human resources director, manager and training specialist. As this field of employment gives so many opportunities for a person to advance in his career, recruiter jobs market has become very competitive. Recruiters must have very good communications skills. They must have the ability to quickly judge a person's capability for a job. This part of recruiter's job creates pressure. Recruiter should be aware about the staffing needs of the organization so that they can find and recruit people according to company's needs.