Who Should You Consider When Planning Your Las Vegas Wedding?
€ Sponsors. Your wedding can't be called a wedding if you don't have any sponsors who will act as witnesses when you will say your vows. However, the question is, how many sponsors are you planning to get for your wedding? Definitely, if the venue is spacious or if you have a huge budget, then getting several pairs of sponsors would not be a problem at all.
€ Guests. Do you plan to invite all the people in your neighborhood or would you invite your close friends and relatives only? Again, the choice depends on the venue and on your budget. If you want your wedding to be public, then there is nothing wrong with inviting all the people in your community. Besides, you are in the same neighborhood so it is just right if you will invite them in your big day. But then, if you want a private wedding, then invite your friends and relatives only.
€ Kids. Do you think there are a lot of kids who will attend your wedding? Well, if you think so, then you should prepare foods for them. Remember, kids can get hungry very easily and they like eating, thus, make sure to prepare for that. Make sure also that the foods will be served on time if you don't want to hear kids crying because of hunger.
€ Officiating officials. Who will handle the ceremony? If you will have your wedding on a church, then a priest or bishop will be the officiating official. On the other hand, if you will have your wedding on other venues, then the mayor or the judge can handle the event.
These are just among the people that you should consider when planning your event. Of course, you have to know the tentative number of people that will come on your big day so that you will know how spacious the venue would be and the amount of food that you will prepare. Also, if you know the tentative number of people that will come, you will know the amount of invitations and souvenirs that you will make.