If You Suffer From Social Phobia Disorder You Are Your Own Worst Enemy - Take Back the Control Now!
Social phobia disorder, did you know you have full control over over this condition? I will explain to you how, and why an attack manifests, it is all in your head you actually create it all by your self.
What if i told you, you alone could cure it, no drugs no drawn out therapies.
The art to becoming social phobia disorder free is just a correction of the way you react to fear, yes it is that simple.
Think about this, the only reason you have this condition is because you allow your thoughts to take over and create a lot of out of control adrenalin and eventually a panic attack.
You become that frightened you withdraw from society, this is a natural protection mechanism.
Ever time you have an attack you try and push the thoughts away and say to your self, oh no i can not handle this, this is going to be bad, i am getting out of here a need a safe place to be.
All this does is makes the panic level rise exaggerating the situation and this keeps you a prisoner to social phobia disorder.
OK you have probably done the same thing every time you feel anxious and it does not work, so now it is time for a new approach.
Do not push an attack away, observe it, get to know its pattern, what i mean by this is, how long it stays.
What side effects it usually gives you and you need to invite panic into you life.
Yes that is what i said, think about all the times you resist something, what happens? i will tell you, it persists.
OK now think about the times you persist on something, bet you do not get it.
Murphy's law.
99% of the time if you invite panic into your life willingly you will not experience it.
Try it, you will be surprised how you can cure social phobia disorder all by your self.
What if i told you, you alone could cure it, no drugs no drawn out therapies.
The art to becoming social phobia disorder free is just a correction of the way you react to fear, yes it is that simple.
Think about this, the only reason you have this condition is because you allow your thoughts to take over and create a lot of out of control adrenalin and eventually a panic attack.
You become that frightened you withdraw from society, this is a natural protection mechanism.
Ever time you have an attack you try and push the thoughts away and say to your self, oh no i can not handle this, this is going to be bad, i am getting out of here a need a safe place to be.
All this does is makes the panic level rise exaggerating the situation and this keeps you a prisoner to social phobia disorder.
OK you have probably done the same thing every time you feel anxious and it does not work, so now it is time for a new approach.
Do not push an attack away, observe it, get to know its pattern, what i mean by this is, how long it stays.
What side effects it usually gives you and you need to invite panic into you life.
Yes that is what i said, think about all the times you resist something, what happens? i will tell you, it persists.
OK now think about the times you persist on something, bet you do not get it.
Murphy's law.
99% of the time if you invite panic into your life willingly you will not experience it.
Try it, you will be surprised how you can cure social phobia disorder all by your self.