Fake Ministers and Miracles (3)
There he introduced me to a prophet that ministered that day.
After the programme we were in the car going home when the prophet turned and told me I was going to be great minister.
That my ministry will spread wide through my publications, etc.
Obviously, I was shocked by that revelation because I was planning the first edition of my magazine - 'PowerNews' then.
I later asked my friend (our host) whether he told the prophet anything about my intentions to go into publishing and he said no.
After this incident, the 'prophet' also invited me to some of his deliverance ministrations; which do not have much of the word of God.
Now, how did we know that this man was fake? Through his unbiblical operations.
Secondly, we also prayed and God told us that he was fake.
What was the confirmation? It was not long God began to expose his wicked activities.
His prophecies and predictions were not coming to pass.
He was also making merchandise of the whole thing; collecting money and valuables from people and given them false hope.
My friend who gave him his property to be hosting his meetings later chased him away when he discovered the man's nefarious activities Sure, this was not a prophet of God.
Bible said that God confirms the words of His prophets.
God cannot give prophecies that would not come to pass.
Again, God's prophecy will have no monetary tag.
Once, there is a price tag on any form of ministration, then, it is suspect.
God does not make merchandize of the gifts of the Spirit.
They are given freely to bless the church.
Jesus said freely you received and freely you shall give.
No doubt, our 'prophet' here was using demonic powers to see into the activities in the spirit realm.
But God exposed him by not allowing his predictions to come to pass.
And also by exposing his tricks and merchandizing in the name of God.
There are so many false prophets with different degrees of demonic powers operating in the world today.
Some even perform great signs and wonders with demonic powers.
They speak when God has not spoken.
Having said that, we should also know that God has authentic prophets.
There are prophets of God and when you meet them you will know.
They are holy, honest, and God-fearing and God also confirms their prophecies.
They don't speak when God has not spoken.
And they are always humble.
Genuinely acknowledging the grace of God in all they do.
But the fake will always be boastful.
Fake Deliverance Ministers There are also fake deliverance ministers.
These use demonic powers to suspend the activities of a lesser spirit in their victims, but ultimately, initiate and lure them into high satanic bondages.
A young woman during counselling told me a very shocking story of what happened to her sometime in 2001.
She was looking for the fruit of the womb, after many years of childlessness, and went for a deliverance ministration.
When the 'deliverance minister' brought her into a room, he touched her and she fell under the 'anointing'.
But when she suddenly regained consciousness she couldn't believe what she saw.
The fake minister had undressed her and was also removing his own pants, definitely to have sexual intercourse with her.
May God help us! When she wanted to shout, the man began to beg her not to.
He even brought out a large sum of money begging her not to tell anyone.
I have had so many stories like this.
In fact, as I was putting this work together, one of my counselees told me she went for counselling some time ago and the 'minister' told her that her problems would be over if she could sleep with him.
Thank God that she refused.
What manner of divine solution will come from disobeying God laws? God has totally forbidden sexual relationship between unmarried people and there is no compromise about it.
So, any person that is practicing immorality can never be a servant of God.
God bless you! Till next week.