Oily Skincare Products - Caution Required
products you don't want to be using on your skin.
If you have oily skin, it makes sense to look for something that will work to remove some of the oils but that can be a big mistake.
Instead, the key to dealing with this type of skin is not to treat it harshly, but rather to nourish it, restoring its natural balance.
This is the best way to restore a healthy complexion.
Two harsh ingredients that you will want to avoid in your oily skincare products are mineral oil and alcohol.
It's unbelievable how many skincare products use these two ingredients.
Mineral oil will definitely contribute to the problems you are experiencing.
It is a by-product of the petroleum industry that works to seal moisture in the skin.
As it does this, mineral oil clogs the pores and prevents that elimination of toxins, which is one of the primary jobs of the human skin.
Various forms of alcohol, on the other hand, will remove oils from your skin.
At first glance, this may seem like a good thing to do, but in reality, the long term effect is to develop less healthy skin leading to premature aging.
The skin needs this protective mantel to avoid the damaging effects of the sun and other environmental forces.
Instead of choosing these types of damaging substances, look for substances found in nature that have been proven by science to balance out the health of your skin.
One of the best is avocado oil.
It has great health giving properties and is easily absorbed because its make-up is almost identical to the natural secretions of sebaceous glands.
There is one critical property of avocado oil that has recently been discovered.
Researchers have now shown that avocado oil helps increases the natural production of collagen and elastin.
The health of the skin is critical if you are dealing with skin problems and there is nothing more central to healthy skin than collagen and elastin.
One of the most effective oily skincare products you can use is a cleansing mask that contains Kaolin.
Kaolin is an extract from a special type of clay found in New Zealand that has a mild drying effect on the skin while it disinfects and draws out dirt from your pores.
This makes it a great remedy for blemishes and acne.
If you are trying to find the best oily skincare products, look for ones that will treat your skin gently, not harshly.
It's easy to find harsh products on the market, but you will need to look a little harder to find the gentle and effective ones.
In the long term these are the ones that will leave your skin healthier, leading to a more radian complexion.