9 Things You Should Consider For Your Healthy Pregnancy
To welcome him or her in this world in healthy condition is all parents' wish.
That is why, it is important for you to take care of your pregnancy even before he or she is in your womb.
The followings are 9 things you should consider for your healthy pregnancy.
Choose the healthy and safe foods Consider the substances of your foods during the pregnancy and avoid the substances that are contaminated by pesticide and preservative.
It is better for you to consume more natural foods like fruits, vegetables, and fibers.
Consume more folic acid during pregnancy You can get folic acid from dry nuts, citrus fruits, spinach, and broccoli.
If you consume quite folic acid in the first growth of your baby, you can avoid him or her to get nerve disorder.
Consult with your gynecologist to know the right doses you need to consume.
Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and smoke Not only women who smoke, but also women who enforce to inhale smoke from other people will endanger their babies.
Same as smoking, consuming alcohol and caffeine can lower the health quality of their babies.
Thus, it is suggested for you as mother to have a healthy life.
Decrease your consumption of animal oil to decrease dioxin, PCB, and mercury Decrease your consumption of animal oil and animal skin, especially tuna and salmon.
The excessive consumption of them will influence the baby health.
If you want to consume them, make sure that you have boiled them perfectly, so their oils are scrapped.
Healthy water You should make sure that your mineral water is free from tin, chlorine, and pesticide.
Thus, you should be careful in looking for clean and healthy water.
Bring your drinking water in stainless steel bottle to make sure that your water is clean and not contaminated by plastic.
Paint Tin is also from the old paint, thus you should clean and change the paint of your wall.
While being cleaned, you are better not to be near that location until it is really clean and safe.
The danger of plastics Some plastics can cause pollution when they are being made and consisting dangerous chemical substances, especially for children.
Thus, when you are using the plastic bottle, you should check its bottom and see the number sign in triangle.
Avoid the plastic bottle that is written number 3, 6, or 7.
Those numbers are resin codes.
Also, avoid the use of plastic in hot temperature, whether the hot food that is wrapped by plastic or the food that is heated in plastic.
Plus, avoid consuming foods and drinks that are packed in broken and torn plastics.
Decrease the use of chemical products in your body Even though the products look safe, some products for body can disturb your hormone to keep your baby healthy in your womb.
Whatever the chemical products you choose, they can break your body balance.
Thus, you should consult with the expert the products you should use or avoid.
Natural cleaner As you know, the floor cleaners or furniture cleaners may smell bad, so they can be dangerous even if they are mixed with other substances that can cause dangerous gas.
If you enforce to clean your home by yourself, it is better for you to use baking soda and vinegar.