Common Medical Conditions in Cats
- Hairballs are caused by a cat grooming himself and the hair forming a ball that gets stuck in the digestive tract. Assisting your cat by regular brushing can prevent this problem that will cause your cat to cough, vomit and possibly become constipated.
- When a cat gets fleas it will scratch. If fleas are left untreated, sores can develop from scratching. Fleas can be avoided by using a vet recommended flea treatment.
- Tapeworms, roundworms and hookworms, all of which are treatable, are common in cats. Signs of worms are an inability to gain weight, flea problems and white specks in the stool.
- Urinary tract infections are more common in male cats that are not neutered; however, urinary tract infections also happen in female cats. Signs of this treatable condition include strong smelling urine and an inability to pass urine.
- Two common medical conditions that are fatal to cats are rabies and feline leukemia. Vaccines should be given to young cats to prevent these conditions.