Many Forms of Birth Control - Which Will You Use?
Many of the women are frightened to try many of the different ones available, Why? Everyone is very worried and scared about the issue of gaining weight.
Most will not even try a method if there is a chance that weight gain is going to set up.
You can ask most any woman that you meet what her greatest fear is when taking birth control of one sort or the other.
You will be told very quickly, the main concern is weight control, or rather gaining weight.
Usually when you meet a woman who is concerned about needing to gain more weight.
Because of problems with health issues, most will resort to another means or method rather than go the birth control route.
You will find that this will most always be the case if the person is not sexually active, and has no worries about birth control.
However if that person who is seeking to gain weight and uses the birth control pills she is probably going to continue doing so in order to be able to add a few more pounds for extra weight.
That is OK as long as she is feels and believes what she is doing is OK and right.
Usually a woman will know her body better than most anyone else.
But she may decide to see her doctor just to ask and get his approval of what she is doing.
She will probably request the doctors advice on exactly what birth control pills she should be taking.
If he feels she should go another route, he will probably ask her to change up for a while in order to determine for sure what will be right for her.
You may decide not to depend on the birth control pills to avoid pregnancy and if so there are several other methods of contraception that you can use or choose from .
No matter what the reasons might be.
Maybe you want to avoid weight gain or something else.
There are some other methods you can use.
One way is by transplant, with this method a rod is placed just below your skin.
Then the rod releases small amounts of progestin, which is just another type hormone, it releases into the blood stream.
For most this is not very popular because in many instances it causes heavier bleeding.
If you do not want to depend on the pills to avoid getting pregnant, there are other types of contraception that you can choose from.
For whatever reasons, may it be because you don't want to add on to your weight or whatever else, here are some of the other types that you can choose to avail.
Another way is to request injection of the contraception, This can probably be done on a quarterly basis.
These again can be done once every three months.
Most all of these contain only progestin.
By doing this a woman is stopped from the ovulation process, and it halts any eggs that have been fertilized and prevents them from implantation on the uterine lining.
Another method is also called fermidom or female condom.
This is no more than a loosely fitting pouch that is used as a liner in the vagina.
It also has flexible rings at each of the two ends.
You can get this without any prescriptions.
However it really is not that popular thus is very difficult to find or locate it most stores.
Another method is a condom being used by the man during the sexual act in order to be able to avoid the discharges he transfers to his partner that usually will cause pregnancy.
When the man uses this type condom it will also help to prevent a lot of the diseases that are caused or transmitted by sex.
The next method is what is called the natural family method.
This is done by watching you calendar very closely.
The woman must make a note as to the exact day of the last menstrual period in order to avoid having sex or making love with their partner on the days when fertilization is the highest.
All of those mentioned above are many of the forms of birth control that can be used to avoid pregnancy.
Choose the particular method that best fits you and your lifestyle if you would like to avoid pregnancy but do not want to take the birth control pills.
By doing this you will avoid pregnancy and you can make sure that you are not subjected to the main side effects of birth control pills, which is weight gain.
Quite possibly one of the above methods will work very well for you if you just get into it and choose one.
If it works, great, and if not then just try another, until you discover the one that works best for you and your situation.