Staten Island's Catholic High Schools
- A Catholic education is important in Staten Island.cross image by cherie from
With over four dozen Catholic parishes, churches and centers, Staten Island caters to its Catholic population. The borough also contains 13 Catholic high schools so that children can continue their religious education during the school day. - Moore Catholic High School has about 1,000 students and 58 faculty members. They have a performing arts complex with space for music, drama and dance. Additionally, the school boasts facilities for football, softball, tennis and basketball. The school's mission is to educate "young people according to Catholic tradition and values." Liturgies are hosted before Thanksgiving and Christmas, as well as for the seniors in June. At the beginning of the day, classes meet in homeroom where students join together in a daily prayer.
Moore Catholic High School
100 Merrill Avenue
Staten Island, NY 10314
718-761-9200 - An all girls' school, Notre Dame Academy has both an elementary and high school. Theology and Community Service courses are taught in the 9th, 10th and 11th grades. During senior year, students have the opportunity to take a theology course focused around women leaders or Bible mysteries. Notre Dame also offers a Campus Ministry Team for students interested in pursuing religious experiences in their extra curricular activities. Students in the 11th and 12th grades have the opportunity to participate in Advanced Placement courses or earn college credits through the Saint John's University Extension Program.
Notre Dame Academy
134 Howard Avenue
Staten Island, New York 10301
718-273-9096 - Saint Joseph's mission statement is explicit and clear: "The Gospel is the foundation and purpose of all that we do. Therefore, we seek to form young men and women in the image of Jesus Christ." The school boasts extremely high passing rates on the New York States Regents, standardized examinations which everyone in the state is required to take. In 2009, 100 percent passed the English exam, 99 percent passed the algebra exam and 99 percent passed the Math B exam. In 2008, the Archdiocese of New York high schools reported passing rates of 95 percent, 80 percent and 62 percent for the same exams, respectively.
Saint Joseph by-the-Sea
5150 Hylan Boulevard
Staten Island, NY 10312-5898