All Out Explosiveness - 2 Plyometric Exercises to Make You Powerful!
If you are an athlete or serious fitness junkie then you should know about the effectiveness and importance of plyometric training.
This is where you implement exercises for the sole purpose of helping your muscles develop a forceful explosiveness by reacting to a quick training stimulus.
Plyometrics are great for helping you to develop speed, reduce the risk of joint injury, and for enhancing your overall conditioning.
Check out the following 2 hard hitting plyometric drills that I have included for you below.
Squat Jumps: This is a great plyometric exercise that can be performed just about anywhere as long as you have a good flat jumping surface.
There are many variations of squat jumps and they can be intensified a number of different ways for an increased training effect.
To perform the standard squat jump you will want to stand with your feet at about shoulder width distance in length.
Initiate a counter movement by swinging your arms back as you drop your hips and flex at your knees into a power squat.
Once you reach the bottom of the power squat forcefully extend at your hips and knees exploding up out of the squat and elevating yourself off of the ground.
Reach vertically with your arms and your entire body in an attempt to get as much height as possible out of the jump.
As you land simply do so heel to toe and absorb the impact by recoiling and flexing at both your hips and knees again to prepare yourself for the next jump.
Execute every jump within the set in continuous succession.
Box Jumps: This is a variation of the squat jump, but you are going to be jumping onto a box.
To execute this drill you will have to have the availability of a plyometric box.
The key to doing this is to start at the proper height based upon your level of experience and after a proper warm up.
Boxes can range in most any height, but a common progression can go from 12, 18, and 24 inches in height.
Stand in front of the box and perform the proper squat jump motion by initiating the same counter-movement motion as I stated in exercise 1.
From here as you vertically explode up off of the ground land at the center of the box with your feet at a shoulder width distance apart in length.
You will also want to land heel to toe and flex your hips to absorb impact on the landing.
The key is to do more than just jump onto the box; you must control the entire movement of your body.
When you complete the jump then simply turn around and step off of the box to get back to the ground.
This is a hard hitting plyometric training drill that I guarantee will improve your athleticism and overall performance.
Take the time to learn these and your fitness and core workouts will achieve a whole new level! Remember that most anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart.
This is where you implement exercises for the sole purpose of helping your muscles develop a forceful explosiveness by reacting to a quick training stimulus.
Plyometrics are great for helping you to develop speed, reduce the risk of joint injury, and for enhancing your overall conditioning.
Check out the following 2 hard hitting plyometric drills that I have included for you below.
Squat Jumps: This is a great plyometric exercise that can be performed just about anywhere as long as you have a good flat jumping surface.
There are many variations of squat jumps and they can be intensified a number of different ways for an increased training effect.
To perform the standard squat jump you will want to stand with your feet at about shoulder width distance in length.
Initiate a counter movement by swinging your arms back as you drop your hips and flex at your knees into a power squat.
Once you reach the bottom of the power squat forcefully extend at your hips and knees exploding up out of the squat and elevating yourself off of the ground.
Reach vertically with your arms and your entire body in an attempt to get as much height as possible out of the jump.
As you land simply do so heel to toe and absorb the impact by recoiling and flexing at both your hips and knees again to prepare yourself for the next jump.
Execute every jump within the set in continuous succession.
Box Jumps: This is a variation of the squat jump, but you are going to be jumping onto a box.
To execute this drill you will have to have the availability of a plyometric box.
The key to doing this is to start at the proper height based upon your level of experience and after a proper warm up.
Boxes can range in most any height, but a common progression can go from 12, 18, and 24 inches in height.
Stand in front of the box and perform the proper squat jump motion by initiating the same counter-movement motion as I stated in exercise 1.
From here as you vertically explode up off of the ground land at the center of the box with your feet at a shoulder width distance apart in length.
You will also want to land heel to toe and flex your hips to absorb impact on the landing.
The key is to do more than just jump onto the box; you must control the entire movement of your body.
When you complete the jump then simply turn around and step off of the box to get back to the ground.
This is a hard hitting plyometric training drill that I guarantee will improve your athleticism and overall performance.
Take the time to learn these and your fitness and core workouts will achieve a whole new level! Remember that most anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart.