Four Forces That Push Men to Enlist the Help of Male Enhancement Aids
Before proceeding to look at the four forces that push men to enlist the help of male enhancement aids, we need to briefly acquaint ourselves with the said aids. That is where male enhancement aids turn out to be those products that lead to penile enlargement. They are products you take, as a man, if you feel that your penis is not large enough, with a view to make it bigger. Now there are men who use these products. Then there are men who can't even imagine themselves using the said male enhancement products. The latter category of men often find themselves wondering as to what pushes other men into using the penile enlargement products. And as it turns out, there are at least four forces, which we are now going to explore, which push men to enlist the help of male enhancement aids, in the hope of increasing the size of their sexual organs:
1. Peer pressure: truth be told, all men are competitive. A man wants to have what is friend has. A man feels bad when he doesn't have what his friend has. The extent to which this 'envy' goes varies from man to man. But it is always there. Now a man learning that all his peers have huge penises is likely to fantasize about enlarging his, so that it can 'measure up.' Should this man come across an advert (or some other sort of writing) telling him that he can actually increase the size of his penis through male enhancement aids, you wouldn't blame him for going full throttle after the said aids. Nothing, in this world, beats a dream come true. And if a man has been dreaming of having a bigger penis, and he comes across something which promises to help him make his penis bigger, you can't blame him for going after it with a lot of gusto.
2. Media pressure: the media has, over the years, continued to drum into our psyches the idea that having a huge penis is a great advantage. But of greater concern is the converse message - that having a small penis is not good. The implicit message is that a man's masculinity is measurable, through his penis size. It doesn't help that the porn industry has always endeavor to recruit the best-hung men as the actors in those adult movies, which every man gets to watch at one or another stage of his life. This has the effect of making the men whose penises don't naturally grow to remarkable sizes to 'intervene.' One of the interventions, of course, is through the use of the male enhancement aids we are talking about here.
3. Body image: this is where, thanks to body image issues, even a man with a reasonably huge member feels that it is not good enough, and endeavors to enlarge it further, with the help of the male enhancement aids.
4. Partner pressure: this is where, from sexual encounters, a man develops the feeling that he is not a satisfactory sexual performer. He then reasons that it has something to do with his penis size; hence the desire to increase the penis size, with the help of the male enhancement aids.
1. Peer pressure: truth be told, all men are competitive. A man wants to have what is friend has. A man feels bad when he doesn't have what his friend has. The extent to which this 'envy' goes varies from man to man. But it is always there. Now a man learning that all his peers have huge penises is likely to fantasize about enlarging his, so that it can 'measure up.' Should this man come across an advert (or some other sort of writing) telling him that he can actually increase the size of his penis through male enhancement aids, you wouldn't blame him for going full throttle after the said aids. Nothing, in this world, beats a dream come true. And if a man has been dreaming of having a bigger penis, and he comes across something which promises to help him make his penis bigger, you can't blame him for going after it with a lot of gusto.
2. Media pressure: the media has, over the years, continued to drum into our psyches the idea that having a huge penis is a great advantage. But of greater concern is the converse message - that having a small penis is not good. The implicit message is that a man's masculinity is measurable, through his penis size. It doesn't help that the porn industry has always endeavor to recruit the best-hung men as the actors in those adult movies, which every man gets to watch at one or another stage of his life. This has the effect of making the men whose penises don't naturally grow to remarkable sizes to 'intervene.' One of the interventions, of course, is through the use of the male enhancement aids we are talking about here.
3. Body image: this is where, thanks to body image issues, even a man with a reasonably huge member feels that it is not good enough, and endeavors to enlarge it further, with the help of the male enhancement aids.
4. Partner pressure: this is where, from sexual encounters, a man develops the feeling that he is not a satisfactory sexual performer. He then reasons that it has something to do with his penis size; hence the desire to increase the penis size, with the help of the male enhancement aids.