Meaning Of Iq Score - Part Two
In the first part of this article I have already went through history of the IQ score, its definition and how to relate the score to the general population.
For this second part we will learn more about the IQ test.
There are three well known categories of IQ tests: timed IQ tests, untimed IQ tests and power IQ tests.
Timed and untimed refer to either there is a set time limit for the IQ test, and power tests are special IQ tests serve to further test those people with very high IQ.
Stanford-Binet and Wechsler IQ tests are examples of untimed tests.
Examples of timed IQ tests are some of the common test such as SAT and GRE, and more speicific tests such as Raven Progressive Matrices,Cattle Culture-Fair Test and California Test of Mental Maturity (CTMM).
Power IQ tests use difficult problems which are based actual problems that people encountered in researches.
Examples of this type of IQ tests are Mega Test, Titan Test and Test for Genius.
The IQ tests' score can only be used as a very rough guide of people intelligence.
These IQ tests still have a lot of shortcomings such as: 1- Just like any other examinations and tests IQ tests are also susceptible to cheating.
2- Also just like any other examinations, the outcomes of IQ tests can be influenced by things such as persistence,and reading skill instead of pure intelligence 3 -Most of the IQ tests do not cover biased intelligence well.
They tend to cover general intelligence.
There are people who are not balance in their intelligence,for example they can be very good in mathematic but poor in verbal skill.
Their IQ score using normal IQ test will be lower because of the averaging effect.
Test like Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) separates it test into subsections in order to profile individual intelligence more accurate.
4-The IQ tests' result also can be affected by external factors such as environment,individual mood..
taking a test on a bad day, or spending too much time on a few difficult items could artificially lower one's score.
A score is more accurate if it is based on more than one test session.
Other than meaning of an IQ score I also have shown you how there are still a lot of questions and uncertainties about the IQ tests themselves.
So caution must be taken in labeling and treating people just based on their IQ score.
Now people are also understand there are more to a person than just his or her intelligence, that is why other type of measurements such as emotional quotient (EQ) and spiritual quotient (SQ) have sprung into existence and limelight.
For this second part we will learn more about the IQ test.
There are three well known categories of IQ tests: timed IQ tests, untimed IQ tests and power IQ tests.
Timed and untimed refer to either there is a set time limit for the IQ test, and power tests are special IQ tests serve to further test those people with very high IQ.
Stanford-Binet and Wechsler IQ tests are examples of untimed tests.
Examples of timed IQ tests are some of the common test such as SAT and GRE, and more speicific tests such as Raven Progressive Matrices,Cattle Culture-Fair Test and California Test of Mental Maturity (CTMM).
Power IQ tests use difficult problems which are based actual problems that people encountered in researches.
Examples of this type of IQ tests are Mega Test, Titan Test and Test for Genius.
The IQ tests' score can only be used as a very rough guide of people intelligence.
These IQ tests still have a lot of shortcomings such as: 1- Just like any other examinations and tests IQ tests are also susceptible to cheating.
2- Also just like any other examinations, the outcomes of IQ tests can be influenced by things such as persistence,and reading skill instead of pure intelligence 3 -Most of the IQ tests do not cover biased intelligence well.
They tend to cover general intelligence.
There are people who are not balance in their intelligence,for example they can be very good in mathematic but poor in verbal skill.
Their IQ score using normal IQ test will be lower because of the averaging effect.
Test like Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) separates it test into subsections in order to profile individual intelligence more accurate.
4-The IQ tests' result also can be affected by external factors such as environment,individual mood..
taking a test on a bad day, or spending too much time on a few difficult items could artificially lower one's score.
A score is more accurate if it is based on more than one test session.
Other than meaning of an IQ score I also have shown you how there are still a lot of questions and uncertainties about the IQ tests themselves.
So caution must be taken in labeling and treating people just based on their IQ score.
Now people are also understand there are more to a person than just his or her intelligence, that is why other type of measurements such as emotional quotient (EQ) and spiritual quotient (SQ) have sprung into existence and limelight.