Three Keys to Being the Man That Every Woman Wants
The Three Keys To Being The Man That Every Woman Wants
1. Ambition
The problem with most men is that they are WAY too caught up in seeking validation with women. You may think that you are not one of them, but I can promise that you most likely are.
You see, sleeping with women is seen as a challenge by most men. It is one of their primary goals to get sex with hot women and lots of it.
But women are not looking for the average horn dog. They are looking for a man that looks BEYOND the scope of women. They want a man who is driven by the lofty goals he has set for himself. And this does not include sex.
Ambition is very sexy.
2. Emotionally Stable
Women are very emotional creatures. So why in the heck would you expect them to want to be with a man who is just as unstable? Women are looking for a rock. They are looking for someone they can depend on when they get out of control.
Most men are very emotionally unstable. They feel the need to constantly defend themselves from the judgement of others. Real men are completely stable. They do not react to petty comments because they know exactly who they are.
3. Nurturing
You may not expect a woman to look for a man that is nurturing. But I can guarantee that she is. Most men believe that they need to only be tough in front of women. While it is true that you need to be tough (and have the means to protect her), you also need to be caring.
This is something that is more related to relationships though. You do not want to go around pledging your undying love to women you have known for a week. You'll freak them out.
And remember...if you want to make women crazy with lust, you MUST master your body language. This will give you an unfair advantage over the MILLIONS of men who are completely CLUELESS about its power!
Research has proven that 93% of communication is conveyed through body language. Most times, you have RUINED your chances with a woman before you even get a chance to open your mouth!
Click here to Master the art of seductive body language...
If you want to make women melt, then learn the secrets of body language...this much I know for sure.