What Demons Mean and Do To Our Lives
What demons mean to do for our lives is to influence our decisions to be self destructive.
Emotions we utilize in our everyday lives contain spirits of good as well as evil.
Evil is produced from our negative attitudes expressed through words and action.
They express whether we are having a good day or a bad day.
Demons are founded in our attitudes towards life.
When our attitude supports a lie or deception knowingly or unknowingly we are supporting evil.
Angels Angels represent our alignment with the truths of life and are expressed through our positive attitude of our words and actions.
When we make choices that are beneficial to our life and the people around us it is a reflection of doing truth.
Even though demons seek to cause destruction in our lives they also can be a great asset by making us aware of problem areas we may have.
Thus allowing the angels of truth to minister to our inequities.
What Demons Do Demons tempt us into taking actions that over time are isolating and destructive, even to the point of causing death.
Some of the things they encourage us to do are to eat foods that we know are unhealthy, consume tobacco, alcohol and drugs to satisfy a particular desire.
They lend us to believe in the acceptance of little white lies or deceptions.
This will cause false accusations.
These lies and deceptions cause us to make decisions that become stumbling blocks and create stress to our lives.
Believing in Lies We openly accept their offering as being good when we are young without questioning the results.
Afterwards we come to find out our decisions were wrong but the demons are so much a part of our life it becomes unbearable to cast them out.
Believing in their lies causes stress creating health problems.
The consumption of food and drinks that cause health problems is one area of life where this happens.
Without the ability to control the demon we end up with deadly diseases.
Repetition Binds Us To A Demon By repeating the same thought and action that demons have us do they make us believe that everything we do is righteous.
Demons stop us from exploring anything that is not comfortable within the world we live.
For example if you sit at a desk and know you need to exercise by taking a walk some time throughout the day.
A demon will find all of the reasons you should not go on a walk or do something that is helpful for yourself.
The Demons Hold Demons compel us to stay in their world by justifying to us of our own righteousness and do not permit us to venture past our own legislation.
In this manner they have a grasp on our lives and we become stuck in a rut of their complacency.
Demon of Drugs The only way to break their hold is to understand the truth of the demon's meaning.
Then to use the truth of what they are presenting to cast them out.
This is a very difficult task with the demon drug, it alters our senses to make us feel really good at times.
As a nation we are a drugged society from users of caffeine, to heroin and prescription drugs.
I know of no one that takes zero drugs although I am sure they exist somewhere.
This demon drug creates more havoc than any other demon that I am aware of.
Emotions we utilize in our everyday lives contain spirits of good as well as evil.
Evil is produced from our negative attitudes expressed through words and action.
They express whether we are having a good day or a bad day.
Demons are founded in our attitudes towards life.
When our attitude supports a lie or deception knowingly or unknowingly we are supporting evil.
Angels Angels represent our alignment with the truths of life and are expressed through our positive attitude of our words and actions.
When we make choices that are beneficial to our life and the people around us it is a reflection of doing truth.
Even though demons seek to cause destruction in our lives they also can be a great asset by making us aware of problem areas we may have.
Thus allowing the angels of truth to minister to our inequities.
What Demons Do Demons tempt us into taking actions that over time are isolating and destructive, even to the point of causing death.
Some of the things they encourage us to do are to eat foods that we know are unhealthy, consume tobacco, alcohol and drugs to satisfy a particular desire.
They lend us to believe in the acceptance of little white lies or deceptions.
This will cause false accusations.
These lies and deceptions cause us to make decisions that become stumbling blocks and create stress to our lives.
Believing in Lies We openly accept their offering as being good when we are young without questioning the results.
Afterwards we come to find out our decisions were wrong but the demons are so much a part of our life it becomes unbearable to cast them out.
Believing in their lies causes stress creating health problems.
The consumption of food and drinks that cause health problems is one area of life where this happens.
Without the ability to control the demon we end up with deadly diseases.
Repetition Binds Us To A Demon By repeating the same thought and action that demons have us do they make us believe that everything we do is righteous.
Demons stop us from exploring anything that is not comfortable within the world we live.
For example if you sit at a desk and know you need to exercise by taking a walk some time throughout the day.
A demon will find all of the reasons you should not go on a walk or do something that is helpful for yourself.
The Demons Hold Demons compel us to stay in their world by justifying to us of our own righteousness and do not permit us to venture past our own legislation.
In this manner they have a grasp on our lives and we become stuck in a rut of their complacency.
Demon of Drugs The only way to break their hold is to understand the truth of the demon's meaning.
Then to use the truth of what they are presenting to cast them out.
This is a very difficult task with the demon drug, it alters our senses to make us feel really good at times.
As a nation we are a drugged society from users of caffeine, to heroin and prescription drugs.
I know of no one that takes zero drugs although I am sure they exist somewhere.
This demon drug creates more havoc than any other demon that I am aware of.