How to Treat a UTI Without a Prescription
- 1). Drink plenty of water. Water plays a major role in the treatment of urinary tract infections. While drinking soda, tea and alcohol can worsen a UTI, water flushes bacteria from the urinary tract and promotes healing. Aim for a minimum of eight glasses a day.
- 2). Take vitamin C. Overcome a urinary tract infection quicker by increasing your intake of vitamin C. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system and helps fight infections. Take 1,000 milligram a day to treat a UTI.
- 3). Consume cranberry juice. Acidifying your urine slows and stops the growth of bacteria. Drink cranberry juice to increase your acidic level and overcome an infection. You may also choose to take cranberry tablets. You can find these in your local drug store.
- 4). Get rid of back and pelvic pain with medications. Over-the-counter pain relievers can relieve back and pelvic pain associated with a UTI. Take ibuprofen, aspirin or acetaminophen in the recommended doses, per the instructions on the package.
- 5). Relieve pain with a heating pad. You can treat pelvic and back discomfort with heat. Position a heating pad on painful spots to relieve inflammation and pressure.
- 6). Soak in a hot bath. Relax or sit in a hot bath to ease pelvic pressure and back pain. If you like, pour Epsom salt into the bath water to promote relaxation and decrease soreness.