Of What is Iran Afraid?
Both countries are building defense armaments and rattling their sabers too.
Other nations are doing the same thing.
China is taking a more militaristic pose.
What is it all about? I fought in the Korean War, a bloody affair that General MacArthur wanted to turn into total bedlam.
President Truman was trying to cool down the war and obtain a peace treaty.
MacArthur got canned.
But there were many hawks who wanted to have it out with China and the Soviet Union once and for all.
It ended up with everybody hating each other in a ever more challenging cold war.
The United States was considered an international bully by the Soviet Union and China, just as we considered them to be the same.
Iran is beefing up its arsenal.
Is it because they want to attack Israel? That is what some bureaucrats say.
But, in my humble opinion, they are just afraid of the United States military sitting on their border.
They fought a bloody war with Iraq from 1980 to 1988.
And who supported Iraq in that war? The United States.
They do have memories, you know.
United States troops, and those of other nation, have been in Iraq in two major confrontations, the first to help Kuwait, the second to appease the Washington war mongers.
Presenting ridiculous reasons and intelligence that embarrassed me as an engineer when Colin Powell presented it to the United Nations (and which seemed to embarrass Powell) we went headlong into Iraq expecting to be "received like liberators" and that all would be well in a few days.
I had occupied a friendly Korea but that didn't mean they liked foreign armies in their country.
We were just better to have there than the North Koreans and the Chinese (plus the Russians who were there in smaller numbers.
) Iraq had lost many a son, husband, brother, cousin in the first Iraq war.
Welcome us with open arms? Hardly! The Iranians know that the United States Military is a dangerous threat to their security.
They don't care about the rhetoric.
They know the realities.
So all the talk in the world is not going to stop them from building more and more dangerous weapons.
Russia and China support them in this.
Everybody is afraid of the United States and we are afraid of everybody.
Many "experts" expect World War III.
We are in two long wars.
The great Soviet Union was defeated in Afghanistan.
They will fight us until we leave too.
They have been doing this for centuries and they are not going to back down.
All will be the same in Afghanistan and Iraq in a decade or less.
Anyway, that is what I think.
We may as well give up on Osama bin Laden.
I have said more than once that he is drinking lemonade in Mecca.
His family had a lot of contracts there and he probably build himself a villa.
We wouldn't dare attack him there.
That would be bedlam.
Oh, I'm just kidding.
He died of windburn last winter.
I'm an old man that knows little about anything, but I think we have no idea how to solve difficult problems.
We have this idea that endless spending will solve any problem.
This has removed the surplus we had before 9/11 and put us into a hole we will not soon get out of.
Our political parties are just about useless.
I haven't heard of one good idea come out of Washington in years.
The Congress is a House of Greed catering to every whim imaginable.
Of course I lived through the Great Depression.
I didn't find anything "great" about it.
We did have some bread and beans to feed the hobos when they came to our door and that was much more than some people had.
No matter how poor people said you were, and they liked to point that out, you could always point to someone who had it worse than you did.
Many don't realize that depression last a long time and we are not going to get out of the present situation soon.
It could get much worse in a very short time.
So how are we going to continue to support excessive military activities? We need to seek peace.
We need to stop our intrusion into other nations affairs.
We do not need to control every aspect of the world economy and world thinking.
I know that those who would like to see the United States back off from the world a bit are not popular.
They don't want to lose one bit of influence.
But we are not the only nation and some nations are better at solving problems then we are.
Maybe they won't want to get into the world mess with us, trying to control everything in sight.
They say America must be great and strong.
I agree, but let's do it closer to home and stop scaring he hell out of other countries.
This old man is done ranting! Fly Old Glory!