How A Fertile-Focus Saliva Ovulation Test Can Predict When You Ovulate
When you are looking in the Fertile-Focus Saliva Ovulation Test Microscope you will be looking for one of three signals. From the outset of your menstruating cycle the look of your saliva sample on the slide should have no noticeably distinguishable patterns, which would indicate an extremely low level of fertility. An opportunity to conceive during this time period is very nominal. Farther along in your cycle as you approach your ovulation you will begin to notice a small formation of a leaf-like design. This indicates that should you have sexual intercourse during this period you have a significantly better prospects for having a baby. As you approach the time you begin your ovulation, you'll become your most fertile in your menstruating cycle. On the slide you will observe a very definite "ferning" pattern on the slide, greatly resembling tiny fern leaves.
The "ferning" crystal-like design up here because of the elevating concentrated levels of estrogen. As you become closer to your ovulation this hormone's levels gradually increase up to the time you begin ovulating. And because it is present all throughout your body it is possible to monitor your fertility level by checking your saliva with a Fertile Focus Ovulation Microscope .
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This ovulation microscope is much more than 98% accurate. Simply by testing yourself each day using the Fertile Focus Ovulation Microscope you'll have total command to understand when you will start to ovulate. The "ferning" pattern you see on the slide suggests you are beginning the ovulation portion of your menstrual cycle. A particular "fern" design indicates you are within twenty four to seventy two hours from the start of your ovulation. Using this knowledge and a plan of action of having sexual intercourse, with in that time frame, greatly enhances your chances to have a baby.
Research studies have discovered that engaging in sexual activity just prior to ovulating greatly increases the ability to get pregnant, because his
sperm is present within the woman when ovulation occurs. Sometimes by waiting until ovulation has already started your results for getting pregnant are greatly diminished.
The Fertile Focus Ovulation Microscope may be used again indefinitely, and because of its low upfront cost together with not having to purchase any additional testing sticks or sensor pads makes this device very reasonably priced. Because it is lightweight durable lipstick tube-like housing and its small size it can easily slip into your purse or even your pocket. You are able to do the testing your self almost anywhere to continuously monitor your fertility levels.