Which Financial Mistakes Fresh Graduates Should Avoid?
1. A lot of fresh grads don't realize the important of saving their money. Now that you're on your own, you have to make a plan or a budget to make your money cover you for the entire month. Some are disciplined enough to control their spending and to utilize it on much more important things. You have to consider you monthly expenses such as you rent utility bills, food expenses and many more; not to mention your daily allowance and school expenses.
2. Not cutting down on unnecessary expenses is the number one mistake committed by fresh grads. They often get carried away from all the night out dinners and drinking just because they're done with college. Yes, your freedom should be celebrated but that is not an excuse for you not to save. Instead of dining out all the time, save more money and buy groceries then cook it at home. If you are into watching movies during the weekends, you might want to cut that off and buy rent some DVD's instead. Look for more ways for you to save money and in the long run, you'll have more money on hand than you realized.
3. Not realizing where your money went usually happens to fresh grads. Whatever it is that you bought, make sure you write it down and keep that list with you. Check it at the end of every month so that you'll realize how much you are spending and what you need to adjust on.
4. Not paying your bills on time will only get you into deeper trouble. Missing out on payments will also hurt your credit rating and you will even get negative items on your credit report for seven long years. The real world is difficult to live in, but if you live by the rules and is disciplined enough, then you'll have fewer issues to deal about.
5. Getting buried under debt is probably the worst thing that could happen to you as a fresh grad. Considering that you're still new and just starting off, you have to avoid getting buried under it as early as now. Debts can accumulate and the longer you let it linger, the bigger I becomes because of the interest rate. Make sure you finish all off your debts or better yet, avoid them and always pay on time.
Follow these tips and avoid committing these mistakes as much as possible.