Using Tanning Lotions Safely
Although tanning lotions are generally very safe there is a potential for side effects. In cases where there are problems it has to do with the skin's reaction to the lotion or some ingredient in the lotion. This could result in an allergic reaction that causes rashes or irritation.
The best way to test for any potential problem is by testing any new lotion before using it. To test the lotion, simply apply a small amount to a small area of skin. Let the lotion sit for 24 hours and gauge the results. If nothing negative occurs then you can assume it is safe to proceed with larger areas of skin.
The key to being safe is using the appropriate product for your skin. It is important to develop a base tan before trying anything advanced. Tingle lotions are one of those products that should be left for advanced tanners. It uses chemicals to increase the blood flow to the surface of the skin which can cause swelling and irritation in some people.
One of the best indoor tanning lotions, known as an accelerator, is used to improve tanning results and speed up the tanning process. The lotion contains a moisturizer which keeps the skin hydrated. Moist skin is known to produce melanin better than dry skin.
Exposure to ultraviolet rays quickly dries the skin so it is nice to have a tanning lotion that moisturizes the skin. It is important to remember that most tanning lotions do not offer any SPF protection so if you have light skin that is something to look for.