Making Your Dream Kitchen a Reality
But as with everything, it comes with a price tag. That's why it's worth spending some time thinking about what you really want, and experimenting with some floor plans to see what you could do and how much it would cost.
When doing a floor plan, make sure you use graph paper and draw your kitchen to scale, including all the power points, radiators, doors and windows. You can then see exactly what room you have to play with.
You might find it easier to pick a kitchen range you like to begin with - then you will know what options you have in terms of cabinets and white goods. The easiest place to start is with the sink and the oven and hob, as these will probably be in the same place they are now. If you want to move either one - which you may do if your sink isn't in the traditional spot underneath the window - you will need to factor in the cost of moving the plumbing to accommodate it.
It's important to try and distinguish between ideas that are practical and those that are pure luxury. Making sure your new kitchen is as practical as possible - with everything in just the right place and all the gadgets that make life easier close to hand - is worth paying for and it will increase the value of your home.
When you have an estimated cost of your new kitchen, you need to work out how to pay for it. You might have savings you can put towards it; alternatively you could consider one of the many secured loans [] that are available. This can be the best option if you are thinking of borrowing the money to create your new kitchen.
It's also important to consider what kind of look you are after. Do you want an ultra modern kitchen filled with stainless steel appliances? If you do, you need to bear in mind that the doors you choose could go out of fashion extremely quickly. Stainless steel also demands almost constant cleaning, as it shows up fingerprints very easily.
If you choose a more traditional style kitchen or colour, it will last much longer and also make your house easier to sell if you are considering moving in the near future. Alternatively pick a kitchen where you can buy different doors and change the whole look at a later date.
In short, spending time as well as money on your ideal kitchen will help to bring it into reality.