Easy to Follow Practical Advice for Writing the Perfect Executive CV
Keep it short. A CV will be read quickly as there will be a lot of applicants, especially if the job is a good one. So make sure that it is concise, but not to the point of missing out significant detail. Not all sections will be written in sentences but using a slick sentence structure will improve style, demonstrate your high level of communication skills and give your curriculum vitae a more dynamic feel. A lot of cvs fail because they are too long, aim to produce 2-3 sides of A4 at most.
Get the basics right. Make sure that your spelling, punctuation and grammar are correct. If they are not, it will set doubts in the mind of your potential employer for example, maybe you don't have a good command of the basics of the English language, maybe you are just lazy and can't be bothered to check through things, maybe you are the sort of person who doesn't pay attention to detail ... Any of these thoughts could prove terminal to your chances of getting an interview.
Make sure that it highlights your current skill set. You will need to include details of your past career but use these to illustrate how your skill set has developed over the years that you have worked. Make sure that your curriculum vitae emphasises that you have the key skills required to do the job that you are applying for.
Make sure that your cv is well presented. For example, if you are applying for a graphic design management post, make sure that your cv reflects your design skills.
Finally, remember the phrase 'the pen is mightier than the sword'. The origins of this phrase can be traced back at least 2500 years! Humans have long realised the power that words can have over their fellow human beings. In the context of a curriculum vitae, this means that you should use positive words (for example established, developed, demonstrated) and a few power words (for example successfully, enthusiastically, creatively). But be careful that you don't overdo it otherwise it will start to feel un-natural and that is likely to give the impression that you are rather false.
So in short, keep your cv short, check it for errors, use slick sentence construction, show how you have developed a skill sit that is applicable to the job and unleash the power of words in order to give yourself the best chance of landing the all-important interview.