Herb & Spice Gardens
- The various types of spices and herbs you can choose to plant are too numerous to list, but you can be sure that your options are quite broad. Climate and geography will help you to decide which plants you should choose to plant. Mint and parsley, for example, do well in moist conditions, while sage and thyme are well-suited to dry climates. Most herbs, like dill, chives and basil, are highly adaptable, and grow in areas as diverse as Texas and Minnesota.
- Most spices and herbs have similar, though certainly not identical, needs. In general, these plants do well in moist but well-drained soil with a pH between 6.0 and 7.5. Average soil is generally better for herbs and spices than soil with very high nutrient levels, so use mulch and fertilizers sparingly. Full sun is best for most herbs, but many will tolerate some afternoon shade. Herbs need ample but not excessive water; a good soaking down to a depth of about 8 inches once a week is about right.
- Many herbs are cold-sensitive, and a hard frost can severely damage if not wipe out your crop overnight. For this reason many gardeners start their herbs in containers, indoors, several weeks before moving them outside. You can transplant your plants to the garden after the last frost date has passed for your region. This could be as early as February in Florida or as late as June in New England; spring frost dates are available from University Extensions in most states. As the growing season progresses, you can harvest your herbs as needed by snipping off leaves and sprigs. Most herbs are most flavorful just before they flower.
- When you grow herbs and spices, as with all forms of gardening, a great deal depends on the region in which you live. Most herbs and spices grow well in containers, which means that you can grow your plants indoors no matter where you live. Herbs in pots need more moisture than garden herbs, but you can move the pots outside to benefit from rainfall during summer and bring them back inside during the winter months. This system is particularly useful for growing perennial herbs like mint, chives and tarragon in cooler climates.