What Attracts Male Moths to Female Moths?
- Pheromones are airborne chemical scents sent by moths and other species. Some serve as alerts that tell others to steer clear of an area because of a predator. Mating pheromones alert a member of the opposite sex that the sender is ready to reproduce. The word pheromone is a Greek term that means "carrier of excitement."
- Female moth pheromones can reach male moths a mile away. She can attract more than one at a time, but she will mate only with the male that reaches her first. After mating, the female will lay her eggs and die shortly after. The male moth can go on to mate with several other females during his lifespan.
- Moths pick up scents, including pheromones, with the fuzzy antennae on their heads. The male will follow the pheromone scent until he finds the female. The male moth is driven by reproduction instinct and the scent alone. A female with bright colors will not attract male months better than one with dull colors.
- The female will lay up to 200 eggs. The eggs will be spread out in small groups on plants and other greens. The female moth does this instinctively as a means for survival. Even if a predator finds one group of eggs, the other group has a chance to survive.