How to Use Essential Oils in the Classroom
- 1). Decide the method of use that you will utilize for your essential oils. A nebulizing diffuser system may be an appropriate choice for classroom use, since direct skin application and inhalation might go beyond teacher-student limits deemed acceptable by parents or supervisors. Other methods available are clay pot diffusers, lamp rings, or you can simply put a few drops on tissues and place them throughout the classroom.
- 2). Purchase the essential oils from a reputable store or website that provides high quality tested oils. Considerations might include oils that contain tangerine, mandarin or lemon to purify the air and support the immune system. Other oils to think about are ones that promote physical well-being and health such as bergamot, thyme, ginger, lemongrass, wintergreen and Idaho balsam fir.
- 3). Place your oil diffusers in two or three locations throughout your class. For instance, you might want to put a nebulizer in a safe, high location, where a student is not apt to knock it over. Then place -- for instance -- a clay pot diffuser on a shelf next to some books, or on your desk. You will need to replace the oil in the clay pot diffuser fairly regularly -- since the clay absorbs oil and releases it.
- 4). Safely store your bottles of essential oil in a location where your students can't get to them.
- 5). Use your oils daily according to what results you are seeking. For instance, if you are a primary grade teacher, you may want to diffuse some lavender or Goldenrod when the children come in from recess. Both of those oils have a calming and relaxing effect. If you are a high school teacher, and you are administering a final exam to your students, you may want to diffuse some sage, which stimulates the mind, together with some tangerine, which calms nervousness.