How To Take Control In Your Relationship
In fact it shouldn't be this way.
Maybe you need to learn how to take control in your relationship.
Here's how.
Having some control over what's going on in your relationship may require a struggle at first.
After all, if you've never worried about this before, it's going to mean some changes for your guy; changes he may be reluctant to make.
If you're serious about making a shift in the balance of power, you need to come across with confidence and determination.
You can't buckle when your boyfriend objects.
Your thoughts and opinions are just as valid as his are, although he may have overlooked this if he's used to getting his way.
You need to be strong enough to hold out for what you prefer, at least sometimes.
This is where compromise comes in.
Be willing to give in on some things, but not everything.
This is especially important when it comes to an issue you feel strongly about.
It's all part of learning to take control in your relationship.
If you have some control of your relationship, that doesn't mean that suddenly you have all the power.
You both need to be willing to allow the other to have an opinion, realizing that sometimes you may disagree.
If you can both accept differences and show respect for each other, your relationship will become stronger.
This is where keeping the lines of communication open between you, is crucial.
Always remember that you're involved in a relationship because you care for each other and your ultimate goal is to be happy together.
There is really no place for a power struggle in a happy relationship.
You both need to buy into the fact that the success of your partnership is dependent on working at it together.
If your time together has always been slanted towards fulfilling his needs, don't expect this to change unless you tell him you want changes.
Of course, this will only work if he's willing to make some changes.
But if he sees that you're unhappy, and values you and your relationship, then he'll most likely be open to compromise.
This could mean some drastic changes for him because now he'll have to be willing to do some of the things that you'd enjoy.
Make a few suggestions to get him on the right track, but then leave it up to him to follow through.
Let him call you and set up arrangements to take you out.
But this is where he'll either step up or not.
If he is still not willing to do some of the things you'd like to do, it may be time to see the writing on the wall and cut ties.
If he's not willing to make an effort when a relationship is new, this doesn't bode well for the future.
Learning to take control in your relationship may not be easy, but it's absolutely essential if you and your partner are to have a satisfying relationship.