Simple Ways to Recognize Good Work
- Almost everyone gets excited about the prospect of food being catered or brought in for lunch. Because the lunch hour can sometimes be reduced to a half-hour break for workers, surprising your employees with a delicious meal can boost spirits. Decide how much you want to spend or what budget will allow. Pick a place that many co-workers in the office enjoy eating or a popular local eatery. Get a selection of lunch options that will satisfy both meat eaters and vegetarians. Pizza, sandwiches and pasta are common meals provided by companies. If budget won't allow an entire feast, bake some cookies or another dessert item to bring in and share. You can prepackage each baked good in colorful paper to hand out to each employee.
- Create a special day of employee appreciation. You can designate a casual day where employees can shed their uncomfortable work attire for jeans and T-shirts. Half days are even more desired for employees. Choose a day at the end of the week to let workers leave early, or allow them off the next week. Allowing employees to bring in their dogs, as they are well acclimated to other dogs, is another way to induce workplace excitement and appreciation. Host a casual award ceremony. Hand out plaques of appreciation or come up with an award that recognizes every person's individual achievement in a big project.
- Find time to talk to an employee about his active role in a project. You can take him to lunch or just spend a few minutes in your office describing your appreciation. Be specific when talking about his achievements. Talk to him about the positive results of his role in projects. For example you can say, "By working overtime you were able to save this account, which has produced numerous financial benefits for the company," Recognize his self-sacrifice and work ethic. Give him words of encouragement for his next project or account. When you recognize good work, you promote self-esteem and a positive environment in the office.