Different Surrogacy Laws in the States
1. Florida Statute 63.212(1)(i) this law provides protection for intended parents who would like to enter into the process of surrogacy. An agreement between both intended parents and surrogate mother must be first established. This statute is intended for traditional surrogacy.
2. Florida Statute 742.15 this law protects the welfare of both intended parents and surrogate mother who are entering into an agreement for gestational surrogacy. An agreement to relinquish the rights of the surrogate mother to the intended parents is important for this statute.
Since surrogacy is well protected in Florida, intended parents can get full protection and expect reliable services from Surrogate agency Florida.
How to Deal with Surrogate Mothers
The process of surrogacy will greatly depend on the surrogate mother. There have been certain issues with surrogacy where the surrogate mother did not relinquish her legal rights for the child and the intended parents who spent a lot of money were left with nothing. These are very common problems encountered by some intended parents who did not get a reliable and professional surrogate.
Since the process of surrogacy can be both physically and emotionally straining for the surrogate mother, proper communication and early legal agreements are very important. Before the process of surrogacy can start it is very important to set mutual agreements with the presence of a lawyer to make everything legal and binding. Professional surrogates like those in Florida are well aware of all the legalities and processes on surrogacy. Florida surrogate is very reliable and professional since there are strict laws and statutes in this state on the process of surrogacy.
Ideal Place for the Process of Surrogacy
Florida has some of the most defined and comprehensive laws and statutes on surrogacy. Their stipulations and laws have provisions that protect the child, the intended couples, the egg donor and the surrogate mother.
Gestational surrogacy is regulated through the paternity statute in Florida. Their laws provide legal assurance for egg donors, surrogate mothers and the intended parents. For couples who have difficulty in bearing a child and can only opt for gestational surrogacy then Florida is very ideal for them because of their laws.
Entering into a surrogacy arrangement can be a complicated matter for both parties because this process involves the coordination of legal, medical and mental health experts. Hiring surrogate agencies can provide great assistance on all important matters on surrogacy. They can provide good referrals for reliable Florida surrogates for intended parents. It is very important to check local state laws on surrogacy because not all states do permit this process and legal complications may arise if legal processes are not checked and met.