When to Intervene on a Loved One/hoarders Behalf
There is help for Hoarders, if and when they either want to change their surroundings or, there is direct intervention from a loved one.
When does it become necessary to intervene on a loved ones behalf? The answer may be when their health and safety are at stake. Many hoarders have little pathways throughout their home and there is little space to really enjoy the surrounding. In many instances, there is toxic mold and mildew that is quite deadly. This is due to their inability to clean inaccessible areas of the home. Mice, rats and insects usually infest partial areas as well. These bring another set of diseases that can spread and even kill humans and animals.
I would venture to say, "This is the time for intervention" When it gets
So bad their safety and anyone else who enters the home is at stake. A good idea is to get help before the situation gets to this point. Time will not make things go away. Things only get worse. Depression is found in 99% of people who are either, hoarders, clutterers, and the elderly. You do not have to be labeled a hoarder to need intervention and help in cleaning it all out. When people become older, they cannot keep up with the daily demands of running and keeping a home.
There are resources out there for people who need assistance for themselves and their loved ones. The Oprah show aired recently, with the heading "Inside the life of Hoarders" it was pretty informative, but lacking in some areas, mainly the dangerous environment that these people live in. Mice usually infest these homes and carry a virus known as "Hanta virus" and it kills people, almost always.
There are other emerging viruses that scientists do not even have names for. I do not want to alarm you to the degree that you are overwhelmed, But I do want to get the point across that, intervention can be sought after and the unhealthy and unsafe living arrangements can be remediated.
There are very few companies out there that specialize in "Extreme Cleaning and organizing. Beware; there are some that have jumped on the bandwagon to perhaps, cash in on the perceived lucrative business. When seeking intervention or help for a loved one, do not be afraid to contact the Authorities. Usually people who are living in an unsafe and unhealthy home will not let you help them. It is only when someone in "Authority steps in and tells them there is a problem. The Village health departments cannot demand you clean up your home, but, if it is infested with rodent, they can file a complaint and will have you before a judge within a short period of time. Sometimes this is what it takes.
I know from my own experience, this is exactly what happened. My own father would not let me throw out mounds of newspapers and other rubbish. I was only able to clean up to a certain point, but never beyond that. I had wanted to clean the whole house for almost 25 years, but was not able due to his insistence that I not go beyond his wishes.
It was not until he got sick a few years ago that he called for "meals on wheels" that, they came in and had to assess the home for safety of their own personnel. They came in and knew he was in immediate danger and living in and unhealthy situation. They called the village heath dept and they called me. They asked to speak with me in person at village hall. I met with them and they assured me they only wanted to help. I said, if that's the case, this is a real blessing, because I have wanted to do this for almost 25 years but could not due to his stubbornness.
To make a long story short, I cleaned out my dads home and filled 8 dumpsters with all kinds of items that he never in a couple of lifetimes could have possibly used. I estimated that he spent well over $100,000. In accumulating things in the past 35 years. What a waste. What a shame. So this is the life of all the people who collect things for years and when it is not organized and cleaned, who do you think is going to have to do it? You of course. It will all be left to the surviving family members. People do not have the time nor desire to clean out a parent or other loved ones home after they are gone. This is where our company comes in. We can go through and find family heirlooms and valuable possessions and we can get rid of the rest. The best time to do it is when they are alive, and taking part in the clean out.
I hope this little "staying in touch" newsletter, has been informative
for you. This is the reason we are in business. We are here to help those that are not able to help themselves. We truly care and we treat all our clients like family.
Respectfully and sincerely yours,
Craig Strauss
American Hoarders Cleaning/Organizing Service
Nationwide Coverage