3 Freebies That Will Make Your Landing Pages Convert
You've built your landing pages and polished them to a lovely shine.
And of course, you're testing, testing, testing.
Here's one more big tip that will help your landing page convert well, especially if you are working to capture email addresses: Offer your visitor something of value.
For free.
Not sure what to offer? The best "carrots" that convince people to give up their personal information to you are those that are valuable and directly related to your product or service.
They are a Deal with a capital "D.
" A visitor would have a hard time passing it up, which is why you are going to offer it.
Here are 3 ideas for freebies that will help your landing pages excel in generating conversions and capturing leads.
Free Trials You see this type of incentive used frequently in the software as a service universe.
In exchange for giving up your email, you get a 30-day (or however long) free trial of the service.
The disadvantage to potential clients is that if you are going to require your taker to enter a credit card and unsubscribe after the free trial, you've added two additional hurdles.
The best models make their service so good that free trial takers will either stay signed up at the end of the trial period - or sign up at that time - because they've now become comfortable in the new software service and really like what it offers.
Coupons and Discount Codes The use of coupons as a giveaway can be quite versatile.
Frequently before I sign up for anything online these days I will Google the product or service I'm looking for plus the word "coupon" or "discount.
" Frequently these searches turn up landing pages or affiliate offers that have been put out there by the provider in the form of a code, which can be entered on the purchase page for a discount.
Coupons can also be a link to a printable document, which can be redeemed later at a brick-and-mortar location.
An E-Book, Report or Whitepaper A free e-book, report or whitepaper is probably one of most common giveaways used to entice visitors to relinquish their email address.
Your giveaway can be directly related to the content of your landing page.
It sometimes seems counter-intuitive to give away information about something you are trying to sell.
Why give away advice on good SEO practices if you're inviting people to hire you to handle the optimization of your website? The point is to offer some valuable information and show your expertise without "giving away the store.
" You don't even have to author the content yourself; there are many whitepapers and similar items out there that the authors are willing to allow you to use and distribute, so long as you follow their protocol for distribution and don't change any of the content.