A Traditional Natural Technique For Turmeric Mask Which Helps Clear the Complexion
In fact, in some parts of India, it is applied as a paste on both the bride and groom before the wedding to enhance their beauty! You can mix 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of turmeric with a few drops of warm water or milk and apply directly to the face.
Alternatively, you can mix the turmeric with oatmeal (to exfoliate) and 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of yoghurt (which will act on bacteria, thus preventing spots).
If you have dry skin you may wish to add a few drops of almond oil.
Leave for 15-20 minutes or until it is dry.
Wash off with warm water and a mild soap or cleanser (try some of the recipes given), then use a gentle, non-alcoholic toner (see page 28) with cotton wool to remove all traces of any remaining yellow stain.
Use once a week, preferably at night, to enhance the skin's regenerating process, and either before or after a steam session to deep cleanse your skin.
Turmeric is a great anti-oxidant that makes it ideal for all skin types.
To treat the odd blemish on all skin types dip a cotton bud in witch hazel and dab it directly on the area.
At bedtime, soak a cotton wool ball in calamine lotion and apply it directly to the affected area.
For stubborn spots, dot a tiny amount of a face pack such as clay, which dries hard, on the spot before going to bed.
Toothpaste will also help to dry up spots.
Put it directly on the spots with a brush and leave overnight.