Office Space Design Ideas
- When deciding what visual elements to incorporate into the design of your office space, consider the type of work being done in the area. Work being done by creative types might benefit from an interesting and contemporary set of colors, whereas workers geared toward more clerical work might find such a scheme distracting. In an article for All Business, the president of ttools LLC, Tracy Leigh Hazzard, suggests that hiring an interior designer to help with colors and design may be economical for offices employing as few as five workers.
For a modern look, you may consider incorporating a mural with subject matter relevant to your business into the office design. For instance, a computer-related business might use an enlarged close-up of a motherboard as a mural, and an architectural firm might use blue prints as wallpaper. - The type of lighting that you use in your office should be partially influenced by the type of work being done, and partially by the mood you wish to create. First, think about whether your employees simply need light to fill the room generally, or if their work would require concentrated light at their desks to perform intensive tasks. If general lighting would be sufficient, focus on lights in the ceiling. If more light is necessary, you will want to incorporate additional light sources at each work station.
Just as important as facilitating the work itself, you should also consider the office environment effects of your lighting choices. While florescent panels may be economical, they can often create harsh and uncomfortable lighting that does not contribute to mood or productivity. An alternative might be to install recessed canister lights into the ceiling of your office. While providing plenty of general light, these fixtures will also provide a less harsh type of light your employees may appreciate. - As with other elements of office design, the configuration and type of space arrangements you use should be both functional and visually appealing. While a symmetrical and segmented arrangement of cubicles might seem the most practical, it has the visual effect of being restrictive, abrupt and linear. Using a more open office design can allow the visual experience in the office to flow, which can create ease and efficiency.
Additionally, a Harvard Business School study indicated that an open office plan without high cubicle walls and enclosed offices can encourage your employees to form social relationships, which will lead to better collaboration and an overall increase in productivity.