Inside Scoop On Exactly How Your Credit Score Affects Your Michigan Mortgage
Comprehension of the lending criteria is important if you wish to apply for a loan. The lending criteria are at the sole discretion of the banks and may change without notice. Interest and lending terms can change at anytime.
There are certain hard and fast rules that apply when borrowing money. Flexibility is also part of the package. Most lenders' criteria differ and criteria can be adjusted depending on the market at any given time.
Three major bureaus are used worldwide. The three credit bureaus that are used are, Experian, Equifax and Trans Union. The average is taken as each of these bureaus has different scoring criteria. Those with a high credit score are more likely to get finance granted. Certain criteria are to be met as well as other lending criteria before your loan will be granted.
Pay your accounts diligently so as to not affect your credit score. A secret is to increasing your score is to never utilize higher than 50% of your available credit. This fact is not made known to the public.
A long credit history on behalf of the client will be of immense value in achieving credit. This helps the lender to make an informed decision as to whether to grant the loan or not. Credit records that do not reflect any payments are not beneficial to the borrower.
Late payments and non-payments should be avoided at all time and cost. If you have been a late payer then get up to date as soon as possible, once this has been done records of late payment will be removed. This will further increase your credit score.
Revolving credit line balances should not exceed 50% percent. Late payments must be avoided as they are a real credit killer. Also, ensure that you keep accounts open.
You should avoid foreclosures, but if you have them, it is best that they are older. There may be a required minimum waiting period after foreclosure. You will have to provide a detailed account of why this occurred.
If you have accounts that have been handed over for collection, try to keep these to a minimum both is number of accounts and the size of the account.
Other factors that affect your credit score include bankruptcy and other factors. Along with the above factors, the lenders will consider various other variables such as your loan to value, which is the equity of the home.
Your liquid assets and the purpose of the loan will be considered. Certain purposes for loans are more risky than others and therefore control that is more stringent is exercised.
These are just some of the ways how your credit score affects your Michigan mortgage. These should be noted so that you can best access home finance.